1999 Research Conference
Resources and Proceedings
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Technical Demonstrations</span>
Introductory Remarks (142 KB)
The Relation Between Scientific and Political Action (124 KB)
Role of Researchers in Program Decisions (120 KB)
Organizer: Lynda Carlson
Statistics and Sound Bites: Statistical Literacy in the Age of the Internet (402 KB)
Use of Tax Data in the Production of Provincial Economic Statistics (204 KB)
Thomsen, Zhang
Expansion of Administrative Records Uses at the Census Bureau: A Long-Range Research Plan (440 KB)
Prevost, Leggieri
Formal Discussion (161 KB)
Statistical Metadata Research at the Census Bureau (267 KB)
Gillman, Appel
Metadata at Statistics Netherlands (197 KB)
Using a Dimensional Data Warehouse to Standardize Survey and Census Metadata (237 KB)
Abstract (86 KB)
Yost, Nealon
Formal Discussion (88 KB)
Moore, Caldwell
Using Administrative Records to Report Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics (236 KB)
The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) Methods Panel-Improving Income Measurement (176 KB)
Doyle, Martin, Moore
Alternative Designs for the Consumer Expenditure Survey (440 KB)
Estimating the Error in Labor Force Data Using Markov Latent Class Analysis (259 KB)
Biemer, Bushery
Some Observations on Price Index Estimators (440 KB)
Lent, Leaver, Dorfman
Small Domain Estimation of Employment Using CES and ES202 Data (292 KB)
Harter, Wolter, Macaluso
Large Numbers of Estimates for Small Areas (440 KB)
Schirm, Czajka, Zaslavsky
Using Administrative Records for Small Area Estimation In The American Community Survey (181 KB)
Alexander, Chand
Formal Discussion (105 KB)
Phillips, Roberts, Kovacevic, Gentleman
Data Mining the CPS Reinterview: Digging into Response Error (440 KB)
McGovern, Bushery
The Limits of Health Surveys for Contextual or Multi-Level Analysis (440 KB)
Hadden, Maury
Adolescent Cigarette Use: Effects of Race/Ethnicity and School Racial/Ethnic Composition (231 KB)
Ezzati-Rice, Cynamon, Blumberg, Madans
Jay Johnson
Formal Discussion (126 KB)
A Cognitive Appraisal Methodology for Establishment Survey Questionnaires (283 KB)
Verbal Reports Are Data! A Theoretical Approach to Cognitive Interviews (180 KB)
Blair, Tracy, Conrad
Conversational Interviewing and Data Quality (240 KB)
Conrad, Schober
Developing and Testing Aggregate Reporting Forms for Data on Race and Ethnicity (211 KB)
Schechter, Stinson, Moy
The Design of a One Number Census in the UK (278 KB)
Abbott, Brown, Buckner, Chambers, Cruddas, Diamond, Woolford
Evaluating a One Number Approach to the Agricultural Census (182 KB)
An Alternative to Traditional Census Taking: Plans for France (440 KB)
Dumais, Eghbal, Jacod, Isnard, Vinot
Formal Discussion (108 KB)
Huberman, Levine
Cognitive Design and Bayesian Modeling of a Census Survey of Income Recall (221 KB)
Marquis, Press
Cognitive Testing of Questions to Measure Family Violence (168 KB)
Paletta, Mihorean
Planning for the 2001 Census Coverage Survey in England and Wales (260 KB)
Designing Coverage Studies for the 2001 Canadian Census (179 KB)
Clark, Tourigny
Estimating Census Undercount Using Coverage Measurement Survey and Demographic Data (567 KB)
Elliott Little
Validation of Causality for the Dual System Estimation Procedure in the Census 2000 Dress Rehearsal (440 KB)
Increasing the Effectiveness of Ratio Edits by Using Joint Transformed Variables (130 KB)
Overview and Evaluation of AGGIES, An Automated Edit and Imputation System (173 KB)
Perritt, Todaro
Implementation of the Graphical Editing Analysis Query System (153 KB)
Lu, Weir, Emery
Butani, Esposito, Alexander
Possible Improvements to the National Crime Victimization Survey Using the American Community Survey (178 KB)
Lewis, Creighton, Kindermann, DeBerry
Using GIS to Evaluate a New Source of Transportation Census Data: The American Community Survey (211 KB)
O'Neill, Hess
Formal Discussion (108 KB)
Formal Discussion (73 KB)
National Estimates of an Audited Variable with a Large Number of Missing Values (122 KB)
Some Problems and Solutions with a Delete-A-Group Jackknife (440 KB)
Variance Estimation Under Marginal Models for Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Complex Survey Data (440 KB)
Modeling and Imputation of Semicontinuous Survey Variables (440 KB)
Schafer, Olsen
Time Series and Cross-Sectional Analysis and Modelling in the Monitoring of UK Labour Market (440 KB)
Haworth, Caplan
Recent Developments at Statistics Canada in the Linking of Complex Health Files (440 KB)
Record Linkage at NASS Using AutoMatch (220 KB)
Broadbent, Iwig
Disability Research Using Survey Data Matched to Social Security Administration Record Data (192 KB)
Rupp, Davies
Standards for Final Disposition Codes and Outcome Rates for Surveys (130 KB)
Statistical Issues in a Record Check Study of Childhood Immunization (440 KB)
Givens, Brick, Nixon, Kalton, Ezzati-Rice
Analysis of 1990 Decennial Census Check-In Time Data (440 KB)
Survey Attrition: A Taxonomy and the Search for Valid Instruments to Correct for Biases (289 KB)
Dolton, Lindeboom, Van den Berg
Use of Stratum Mixing to Reduce Primary-Unit-Level Identification Risk in Public-Use Survey Datasets (440 KB)
Contextual Data Files From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth: Access and Analyses (194 KB)
Piccinino, Mosher
Assessing the Statistical Disclosure Risk of a Demographic Microdata File (228 KB)
Formal Discussion (135 KB)
Respondent Acceptance of Touch-Tone Data Entry in Cognitive Interviews on HIV/STD Risk Behaviors (212 KB)
Blumberg, Cynamon
Improving Electronic Data Collection and Dissemination through Usability Testing (182 KB)
Murphy, Tedesco, Marquis, Roske-Hofstrand, Hoffman, Saner, Harris
Internet Data Collection at the U.S. Census Bureau (440 KB)
Kanarek, Sedivi
Organizer: Steve Cohen
Disseminating Distributed Statistical Data: The ADDSIA Project (99 KB)
On-Line Analysis of Data from Complex Samples (101 KB)
Cohen, Planchon
Address Listing Data Collection (92 KB)
A Prototype System for Displaying and Disseminating Data from the 1997 Census of Agriculture (98 KB)
Demetra: A User-Friendly Interface for Seasonal Adjustment (98 KB)
Dossé, Hoffmann, Kelsen, Planas, Linden
Maintaining Tracking Information on Subjects in Longitudinal Studies (107 KB)
Brown-Scoggins, Rothwell
Integrated Information Solutions at the Census Bureau (94 KB)
Wallace, Landman
Nealon, Yost