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2003 Research Conference


Resources and Proceedings

Unless noted, all of these documents are in Portable Document Format [PDF]. To view them you will need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader which is available for free from the Adobe Web site.


There and Back Again: Demographic Survey Sampling in the 21st Century (660 KB)
Colm O'Muircheartaigh (NORC, University of Chicago)


Research into the Possibility of Releasing Hierarchical Public Use Microdata Files for the Canadian Census of Population (283 KB)

Jean-René Boudreau and Rossana Manriquez (Statistics Canada)

Procedures to Reduce the Risk of Respondent Disclosure in a Public-Use Data File: The National Immunization Survey (221 KB)

Meena Khare (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)
Michael Battaglia and David Hoaglin (Abt Associates Inc., USA)

Applying Disclosure Control to Temporal Data (497 KB)

Anna Manning and Mark Elliot (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)

Bayesian Analysis of Nonignorable Missing Categorical Data: An Application to Bone Mineral Density and Family Income
(440 KB)

Balgobin Nandram (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Jai Won Choi and Lawrence Cox (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Imitating the Salamander: Reproduction of the Truncated Right Tail of an Income Distribution (1.42 MB)

John Angle (Economic Research Service, USA)

A Computational Routine for Disaggregating Industry Margin Data to Estimate Product Margin Rates (316 KB)

Matthew Atkinson (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA)

Comparison of Model Based Methods for County Level Estimation of Crop Yields (273 KB)

Michael Bellow (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Inside the Black Box: Analysis of Interviewer-Respondent Interactions in Cognitive Interviews (312 KB)

Nadra Garas (American University, USA)
Johnny Blair (Abt Associates Inc., USA)
Frederick Conrad (University of Michigan, USA)

A Framework Relating Questionnaire Design-and-Evaluation Processes to Sources of Measurement Error (260 KB)

James Esposito (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)


Waivers in Business Surveys: A Systematic Approach to Increase the Amount of Publishable Information (283 KB)

Jean-Sébastien Provençal and Hélène Bérard (Statistics Canada)

Using CART to Generate Partially Synthetic, Public Use Microdata (363 KB)

Jerome Reiter (Duke University, USA)

Measuring Reduction in Disparity Among Several Rates (210 KB)

Jeffrey Pearcy and Kenneth Keppel (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Innovative Design and Analysis Strategies in the Evaluation of The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: Propensity Scores and Counterfactual Projection Weights in a National Probability Survey (440 KB)

Robert Orwin, David Judkins, Paul Zador, Sanjeev Sridharan (Westat, USA)
Robert Hornik (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Bob Baskin (AHRQ)

Methods for Capture-Recapture Analysis When Cases May Not Be Identified Uniquely (273 KB)

Betsy L. Cadwell, Philip J. Smith and Andrew L. Baughman (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

		<p class="larger"><button type="button" class="collapsible"> SESSION III-C</button><br> SMALL AREA ESTIMATION</p>

Methods Used for Small Domain Estimation of Census Net Undercoverage in the 2001 Canadian Census (261 KB)

Peter Dick and Yong You (Statistics Canada)

Evaluation of the Practical Utility of Small Domain Estimators for the U.S. Current Employment Statistics Program (440 KB)

John Eltinge and Moon Jung Cho (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA )

Assessing Fit of SAIPE Models to Census and CPS County Child-poverty Rates (341 KB)

Eric Slud (U.S. Census Bureau and University of Maryland, USA)

On Small Area Estimation Under Informative Sampling (440 KB)

Danny Pfefferman (Hebrew University, Israel and University of Southampton,
United Kingdom)
Michael Sverchkov (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

		<p class="larger"><button type="button" class="collapsible"> SESSION IV-A<br> METHODS OF RECORD LINKAGE</button></p>

An Infrastructure for Supporting Spatial Data Integration (189 KB)

Les Miller and Sarah Nusser (Iowa State, USA)

Record Linkage in An Integrated Census (287 KB)

Theodor Yitzkov and Harry Azaria (Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel)

Removing Duplication from the 2002 Census of Agriculture (120 KB)

Kara Daniel and Tom Pordugal (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

		<p class="larger"> <button type="button" class="collapsible">SESSION IV-B<br> MODELING 2 - REGRESSION APPLICATIONS</button></p>

Steps Toward Modeling the Distribution of Automobile Retirements (508 KB)

Brian Sliker (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis)

Measuring Defined Benefit Plan Replacement Rates Using PenSync (341 KB)

James Moore (Social Security Administration, USA)

Estimating the Lives Saved by Seat Belts and Air Bags (244 KB)

Donna Glassbrenner (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, USA)

A Method of Estimating Rollover Propensity for Passenger Vehicles (165 KB)

Ellen Hertz (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, USA)

DATELINE: Design and Application of a Travel Survey for Long-Distance Trips Based on an International Network of Expertise
(317 KB)

Werner Broeg, Erhard Erl, and Brian Schulze (Socialdata, Germany)

Re-designing the UK's Annual Structural Earnings Survey (200 KB)

Mark Pont (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom)

The Use of Permanent Random Numbers in a Multi-Product Petroleum Sales Survey: Twenty Years of a Developing Design
(149 KB)

Pedro Saavedra (ORC Macro, USA)
Paula Weir (Energy Information Administration, USA)


The Role of Sociolinguistics in Federal Survey Development (231 KB)

Yuling Pan (U.S. Census Bureau)

The American Community Survey en Espanol: Results of Cognitive Interviews Using the ACS Spanish Language Instrument (173 KB)

Lorena Carrasco (U.S. Census Bureau)

An Overview of A Proposed Census Bureau Guideline for the Translation of Data Collection Instruments and Supporting Materials
(258 KB)

Manuel de la Puente and Yuling Pan (U.S. Census Bureau)
Deborah Rose (National Center for Health Statistics)

Guideline Implementation: Translating a New Canadian/U.S. Health Survey into Spanish (154 KB)

Deborah Rose (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)
Manuel de la Puente (U.S. Census Bureau)

Census Duplication and Ambiguities of Census Residence (197 KB)

Elizabeth Martin, Robert Fay, and Elizabeth Krejsa (U.S. Census Bureau)

Census and Administrative Records Duplication Study (249 KB)

Mary Mulry, Susanne Bean, D. Mark Bauder, Deborah Wagner, Thomas Mule, and Rita Petroni (U.S. Census Bureau)

A Bayesian Approach to 2000 Census Evaluation Using A.C.E. Survey Data and Demographic Analysis (440 KB)

Michael Elliott (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Roderick Little (University of Michigan, USA)

Developing a Coverage Adjustment Strategy for the 2002 Census of Agriculture (123 KB)

Matthew Fetter and Phillip Kott (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Determinants of Web Reporting: A Qualitative Study of the Response Process, Response Burden and Mode Selection (260 KB)

Tony Hak, Amy Anderson, and Diane Willimack (U.S. Census Bureau)

Design Issues in Web-Based Electronic Business Surveys (901 KB)

Elizabeth Nichols, Elizabeth Murphy (U.S. Census Bureau)

Cyntrica Eaton, Kent Norman, Anna Rivadeneira, and Cyntrica Eaton (University of Maryland, USA)

Usability Issues Associated with Converting Establishment Surveys to Web-Based Data Collection (169 KB)

Jean Fox, William Mockovak, Sylvia Fisher, and Christine Rho (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Conceptual and Practical Issues in the Statistical Design and Analysis of Usability Tests (440 KB)

John Bosley, John Eltinge, Jean Fox, and Scott Fricker (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Wholistic Approach to Multifaceted Integrated Census (184 KB)

Olivia Blum (Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel)

Statistical Use of Administrative Records: A Real Time Evaluation of Labour Demand Businesses (190 KB)

Manlio Calzaroni and Roberta Rizzi (Institute of National Statistics(ISTAT), Italy)

Use of Tax Data for Replacing Business Survey Data - The Data Quality Issue (239 KB)

Sanping Chen, Paul Cascagnette, and Sean Crowe (Statistics Canada)

An Assessment of the Current Population Survey and the Survey of Income and Program Participation Using Social Security Administrative Data (332 KB)

Melissa Koenig (Social Security Administration, USA)

Linearization Variance Estimators for Panel Survey Data (333 KB)

Abdellatif Demnati (Statistics Canada)
J.N.K. Rao (Carleton University, Canada)

Pre-adjustment in X-12-ARIMA (272 KB)

Luisa Burck (Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel)

Effects of Transformation Choice on Seasonal Adjustment Diagnostics and Forecast Errors (173 KB)

Golam Farooque (U.S. Census Bureau)

Time Series Decomposition and Measurement of Business Cycles, Trends and Growth Cycles (449 KB)

Victor Zarnowitz and Ataman Ozyildirim (The Conference Board, USA)


Design and Evaluation of Aquatic Ecosystems via Discrete Event Simulation (200 KB)

Jorge Romeu (Syracuse University, USA)

Making Sense of Census Data via the World Wide Web: A Case Study Using the 1997 Census of Agriculture (208 KB)

Irwin Anolik (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

The NASS Question Repository System (47 KB)

Daniel Beckler (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Bayesian Record Linkage and Linkage Imputation Using CODES2000 and LINKSOLV Software (121 KB)

Michael H. McGlincy (Strategic Matching, Inc.)

Cognitive Tested Question Database (131 KB)

Kristen Miller, Paul Beatty, and Beth Canfield (National Center for Health Statistics)

Developing an Analysis System for Agricultural Surveys and Censuses (131 KB)

Arnie Wilcox and Robert Hood (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

A Less Intrusive Variant on Cell Suppression to Protect the Confidentiality of Business Statistics (440 KB)

Gordon Sande (Sande & Associates, Inc.)


Quality at the Item Level Terms, Methods, and Guidelines for Cross-Survey Comparisons, A Summary (402 KB)

John Dixon (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Pat Doyle, Judy Eargle, Deborah Griffin, and Pamel McGovern (U.S. Census Bureau)

Measuring Response Errors in Censuses and Surveys Through Reinterview Data Having a Different Measurement Error Variance
(318 KB)

Piero Demetrio Falorsi, Alessandro Pallara (Italian National Statistical Institute (ISTAT), Italy)
and Aldo Russo (University of Rome, Italy)

Standards and Guidelines for Reporting on Coverage (195 KB)

Martin Provost (Statistics Canada)

The Use of Administrative Data to Compute Measure of Size for New Employer Births (440 KB)

Lora Gillott, James Burton, and Carol King (U.S. Census Bureau)

Exploring Social Security Payment History Matched with the Survey of Income and Program Participation (440 KB)

James Sears and Kalman Rupp (Social Security Administration, USA)

Use of Medicaid and Medicare Administrative Claims Data in Litigation and Regulation (250 KB)

Timothy Wyant (Decipher, Inc., USA)
Stephen Parente (University of Minnesota)

A More Timely and Useful Index of Leading Indicators (507 KB)

Robert McGuckin, Ataman Ozyildirim, and Victor Zarnowitz (The Conference Board, USA)

Output and Productivity Measurement for Non-market Activity: The Case of Italian Revenue Agency (346 KB)

Marco Cutaia and Stefano Pisani (Italian Revenue Agency, Italy)

Composite Predictions of Yield for Agricultural Commodities (128 KB)

Timothy Keller and William Wigton (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)


Evaluation of U.S. EPA's Screener Questionnaire for the Aquatic Animal Production Industry and Comparison to USDA Data (155 KB)

Marla Smith and Marta Jordan (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Data Capture Using Fax and Intelligent Character and Optical Character Recognition (ICR/OCR) in the Current Employment Statistics Survey (CES) (273 KB)

Richard Rosen, Vinod Kapani, and Patrick Clancy (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Cognitive Testing of Statistical Graphs: Methodology and Results (294 KB)

Colleen Blessing, Howard Bradsher-Fredrick, Herb Miller, Renee Miller, and Robert Rutchik (Energy Information Agency, USA)

Partials and Break-offs in the National Health Interview Survey, 2002 (185 KB)

Barbara J. Stussman, Beth L. Taylor, and Howard Riddick (National Center for Health Statistics)

Imputation Methods on Longitudinal Studies (352 KB)

Yann-Yann Shieh (American Institutes for Research, USA)

Developing Imputation Models for the Services Sectors Portion of the Economic Census (216 KB)

Katherine Thompson and Quatracia Williams (U.S. Census Bureau)

Multiple Imputation of Missing Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Values in FARS (205 KB)

Rajesh Subramanian and Dennis Utter (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, USA)

Exploitation of Neural Methods for Imputation (275 KB)

Pasi Piela (Statistics Finland)

Identification of Driver and Vehicle Characteristics through Data Mining the Highway Crash Data (440 KB)

Santokh Singh (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, USA)

Designing Data Collection, Processing and Dissemination Instruments with Reusable Metadata for the U.S. Census Bureau's 2002 Economic Census Initiative, Using XML and Web Services (397 KB)

Steven Schafer and Roy Rogers, IV (Fenestra Technologies Corporation, USA)

New Tools at Statistics Canada to Measure and Evaluate the Impact of Nonresponse and Imputation (251 KB)

Jean-François Beaumont, David Haziza, Charles Mitchell,
and Eric Rancourt (Statistics Canada)

Nonresponse Adjustment in the Current Employment Statistics Survey (255 KB)

Kennon Copeland (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Multiple Imputation in Two Stages (290 KB)

Ofer Hareland Joseph Schafer (Pennsylvania State, USA)

Sampling Racially Matched Population Controls for Case-Control Studies: Using Geocoding of Address List Frames to Establish Strata for Oversampling Minorities (188 KB)

Ralph DiGaetano, Jacqueline Severynse (Westat, USA)
Barry Graubard, Sowmya Rao, and Shalom Wacholder (National Cancer Institute, USA)

Aspects of Sample Allocation in Business Surveys (195 KB)

Gareth James, Mark Pont, and Markus Sova (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom)

A Sampling Strategy for Rear-End Pre-Crash Data Collection (363 KB)

Santokh Singh (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, USA)