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2005 Research Conference

Resources and Proceedings

Unless noted, all of these documents are in Portable Document Format [PDF]. To view them you will need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader which is available for free from the Adobe Web site.


A National Statistical System in a Rapidly Changing World
Miron Straf (The National Academies of Science, USA)


Multivariate Statistical Modeling with Survey Data (292 KB)

Tihomir Asparouhov (Muthen and Muthen, USA)
Bengt Muthen (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

Application of Concurrent Seasonal Adjustment to the Consumer Price Index (536 KB)

Daniel Chow and Jeff Wilson (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA),
Adrian Thibodeau (Standard and Poor's, USA)

Model-Based Seasonal Adjustment Diagnostics (216 KB)

Tucker McElroy (U.S. Census Bureau)


Stuart Scott (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Data Quality of the American Community Survey across Individuals Living in Linguistically Isolated and Non-linguistically Isolated Households: A Latent Variable Model Assessment (411 KB)

Adam Carle (U.S. Census Bureau)

SASisfying CAPI Audit Trails for Analysis (381 KB)

Phuc Ho, William Chan, Sang Kang, Lucien Smith and Lucilla Tan (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Assessing the Reliability of Key Measures in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health Using a Test-Retest Methodology (344 KB)

Joel Kennet and Dicy Painter (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, USA)
Katherine Bowman, Rebecca Granger and Susan Hunter (Research Triangle Institute International, USA)

Address-based Sampling Versus Random Digit Dialing: Comparison of Data Quality from BRFSS Mail and Telephone Surveys (336 KB)

Michael Link and Ali Mokdad (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)
Michael Battaglia, Pamela Giambo and Martin Frankel (Abt Associates, USA)

Bayesian Networks and Complex Survey Sampling from Finite Populations (287 KB)

Marco Ballin and Mauro Scanu (Institute of National Statistics (ISTAT), Italy)
Paola Vicard (University Roma Tre, Italy)

Investigation of Variance Components in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (418 KB)

Robert Baskin (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, USA)

A Bayesian Detection of The Onset of Activity Limitation Among Adults in NHIS (440 KB)

Balgobin Nandram (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Jai Won Choi (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)


Myron Katzoff (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)


Innovative Web-Based Documentation System Designed for the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (374 KB)

Nanthini Ganapathi, Susan Myers and Inga Allred (Research Triangle Institute International, USA)

Population Surveys from RDD Telephone and Internet Panel Samples: A Weighted Comparison of Two National Taxpayer Surveys (277 KB)

John Boyle (Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc., USA)
George Freeland and Lynda Mulvany (Internal Revenue Service, USA)

Potential Utility of Web-Based Data Collection Options (201 KB)

Heather Contrino (NuStats, USA)

Redesigning the Census Bureau's Intranet Site for Improved Usability: Methods and Lessons Learned (481 KB)

Elizabeth Murphy, Susan Ciochetto and Carol Bateman (U.S. Census Bureau)

Variance Estimation and Inference from Complex Survey Data in the Presence of Interviewer-Level Measurement Error (94 KB)

John Eltinge and Moon Jung Cho (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)
Partha Lahiri (Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Maryland, USA)

Coordinating the PRN: Combining Sequential and Bernoulli-Type Sampling Schemes in Business Surveys (299 KB)

Ronit Nirel, Aryeh Reiter, Tzahi Makovky and Moshe Kelner (Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel)

The Evolution of the Weekly Gasoline Price Survey through Changes in Design and Frame (373 KB)

Paula Weir (Energy Information Administration, USA)
Pedro Saavedra and Benita O'Colmain (ORC Macro, USA)

On Calibration and Non-response Adjustment for the National Compensation Survey (323 KB)

Alan Dorfman, Lawrence Ernst, Thomas Moerhle, Steven Paben, Chester Ponikowski and Michael Sverchkov (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Potential Applications of Model-Assisted Estimation to Demographic Surveys in the United States (259 KB)

Robert Fay (U.S. Census Bureau)

New Improved Small Area Models (289 KB)

Swamy Paravastu, Tamara Zimmerman and Edwin Robison (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Smoothing Covariance Matrices from Survey Data Using Generalized Design Effects with Application to Small Area Estimation (282 KB)

Avinash Singh (Statistics Canada)
Ralph Folsom and Akhil Vaish (Research Triangle Institute International, USA)

IRT and Latent Variable Modeling for Surveys with Complex Sampling Design with a Longitudinal Context: The Case of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth in Canada (440 KB)

André Cyr and Alexander Davies (Statistics Canada)

Jobs Boom and Bust - Individual Companies vs. Multi Corporations (301 KB)

Shail Butani (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Innovative Data Collection Methods in Smallpox Program Evaluation (185 KB)

Brian Evans, Brian Burke and Paul Levy (Research Triangle Institute International, USA)

Statistical Assessment of the Glare Issue-Human and Natural Elements (365 KB)

Eun-Ha Choi and Santokh Singh (National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, USA)

Value of Physical Change in Farm Inventories: How Does One Reconcile Annual and Subannual Estimates? (231 KB)

Andrew Baldwin (Statistics Canada)

Re-thinking Statistics Canada's Business Register (142 KB)

Eric Rancourt, Hélène Bérard and Stuart Pursey (Statistics Canada)

The Application of Dual System Principles to Estimate the Number of Missing Frame Elements (154 KB)

Howard Bradsher-Fredrick (Energy Information Administration, USA)

Modeling Which Farms Are Not Covered by a Census List Using an Area-Frame Survey (157 KB)

Ted Chang (University of Virginia, USA)
Phillip Kott (National Agricultural Statistical Service, USA)


William Wigton



Blaise IS (Computer Assisted Interviewing Software for the Web) (765 KB)

Jim O'Reilly (Westat, USA)

A Study of the Properties of a Bootstrap Variance Estimator Under Sampling Without Replacement (297 KB)

Lenka Mach and Jean Dumais (Statistics Canada)
Lauriane Robidou (University of Social Sciences, France)

An Empirical Investigation into the Effects of Replicate Reweighting on Variance Estimates for the Annual Capital Expenditures Survey (362 KB)

Katherine Thompson (U.S. Census Bureau)

Investigations of BRR Variance Estimation for the Survey of Residential Alterations and Repairs (SORAR) (379 KB)

Laura Ozcoskun and Katherine Thompson (U.S. Census Bureau)
Quatracia Williams (ICS-RIO, Brazil)

Discussant (164 KB)

Phil Kott (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Evolutionary Cell Selection for Interval Publication of Sensitive Cells to Protect Confidentiality (430 KB)

Timothy Li and Steve Cohen (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Federal Statistical Confidentiality and Business Data: Challenges and Continuing Issues (479 KB)

William Seltzer (Fordham University, USA)
Margo Anderson (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA)

Privacy Principles and Data Sharing: Implications of CIPSEA for Economic Surveys Respondents (362 KB)

Alfred Tuttle and Diane Willimack (U.S. Census Bureau)


Brian Harris-Kojetin (Office of Management and Budget, USA)

The Geospatial Perception and Its Impact on the Content and Processes of a Multi-Source Data Collection (440 KB)

Oliva Blum (Israel Central Bureau of Statistics)

The Geospatial Distribution of Employment (735 KB)

Sheryl Konigsberg, David Talan and Richard Clayton (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Cities of Immigrants: Intraurban Mobility Patterns of Mexican Immigrants in Gateway Cities (490 KB)

Pamela Rogers (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Residential and Demographic Patterns of Immigrants in Texas at A Glance (346 KB)

Yann-Yann Shieh (American Institutes for Research, USA)
Pamela Rogers (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Total Factor Productivity Computed and Evaluated Using Multi-Step Perturbation (335 KB)

Baoline Chen (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA)
Peter Zadrozny (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

New Data on Business Employment Dynamics (275 KB)

Akbar Sadeghi, Richard Clayton, and David Talan (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Evaluating Estimates of Labor Demand and Turnover (767 KB)

Charlotte Mueller and John Wohlford (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Measurement of Reliance on Social Security Benefits (243 KB)

T. Lynn Fisher (Social Security Administration, USA)

Participation in the National Health Interview Survey: Exploring Reasons for Reluctance Using Contact History Process Data (418 KB)

Nancy Bates and Andrea Piani (U.S. Census Bureau)

The Effect of Interviewer Strategies on Contact and Cooperation Rates in the National Health Interview Survey (278 KB)

Barbara Stussman, James Dahlhamer and Catherine Simile (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Socio-Demographic Study of Telephone Survey Nonrespondents (283 KB)

Timothy Triplett and Natalie AbiHabib (Urban Institute, USA)

Are Two Feet in the Door Better Than One? Using Process Data to Examine Interviewer Effort and Nonresponse Bias (480 KB)

Kevin Wang, Jeremy Aldworth, Rodney Baxter and Joe Murphy (Research Triangle Institute International, USA)

Evaluation of CPS Tax Simulation Using Administrative IRS Data (198 KB)

Amy O'Hara (U.S. Census Bureau)

Evaluating Respondents' Reporting of Social Security Income in SIPP Using Administrative Data (0.99 KB)

Lydia Scoon-Rogers (U.S. Census Bureau)


Dan Kasprzyk (Mathematica Policy Research, USA)


Reporting Data Quality When Survey and Administrative Data Are Combined (274 KB)

Julie Trépanier, Claude Julien, and John Kovar (Statistics Canada)

Developing Error Prone Profiles Using Administrative Data with a Control Group (397 KB)

Pedro Saavedra and Hoke Wilson (ORC Macro, USA)

Using the Canadian Address Register in the Labour Force Survey: Implementation, Results, and Lessons Learned (301 KB)

Claude Turmelle, Jean-François Rodrigue, and Gavin Thompson (Statistics Canada)

Methodological Challenges in Analyzing Patient-Reported Outcomes in a Clinical Trial (117 KB)

Elizabeth Hahn and David Cella (Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, USA)
G. Alastair Glendenning (Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, USA)

Integrating the Canadian Annual Survey of Manufactures into the Unified Enterprise Survey: Challenges and Issues (169 KB)

Isabelle Marchand, Emmanuel Benhin and Jose Gaudet (Statistics Canada)

Implementing and Improving Quality Standards at the U.S. Census Bureau (124 KB)

John Bushery and Pamela McGovern (U.S. Census Bureau)

Developing a Generic Survey (88 KB)

Marla Smith and Jan Matuszko (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Integrated Redevelopment of the ONS's Business Surveys and Business Register through the Business Surveys Integration Project and Register Re-engineering Project (431 KB)

Mark Pont, Pam Tate, Paul Smith and, John Perry (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom)


Determining Best Practices for Usability Test Methodology: A Comparison of Assessment Methods (324 KB)

Elizabeth Dean, Michael Schwerin and Marta Jordan (Research Triangle Institute International, USA)

Cross-Cultural Issues in Survey Translation: Translation of Meaning and Meaning of Translation) (331 KB)

Daniel Geller and Andrey Vinokurov (ORC Macro, USA)
Tamara Martin (U.S. Department of State)

Using Affective Imagery to Understand the Quality of Survey Response (449 KB)

Patricia Gwartney (University of Oregon, USA)

Does Qualitative Evaluation Measure Up? (270 KB)

Kathleen O'Connor (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Adapting Cognitive Interview Techniques for Use in Pretesting Spanish Language Survey Instruments (240 KB)

Patricia Goerman (U.S. Census Bureau)

Development of Guidelines on The Use of Interpreters in Survey Interviews (256 KB)

Yuling Pan (U.S. Census Bureau)

The Use of Cognitive Interviewing and Behavior Coding to Evaluate Non-English Language Survey Questions: Lessons Learned (284 KB)

Gordon Willis (National Cancer Institute, USA)

Old Friends and Old Problems: Implementing Frequently-Used Question Types in the Cross-National Context (92 KB)

Janet Harkness (ZUMA, Germany)

Web-Based Factorial Survey and Statistical Analysis Software (117 KB)

Sam Addala and Vin Addala (e4xchange Corporation, USA)
Matthew Hogben (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

Protecting Sensitive Tabular Data by Complementary Cell Suppression-Myth & Reality (1.46 MB)

Ramesh Dandekar (U.S. Department of Energy)

Digital Capture of Geographic Feature Data for Surveys (323 KB)

Sarah Nusser (Iowa State University, USA)

Guaranteed Controlled Rounding for Many Totals in Multi-way and Hierarchical Tables (302 KB)

Gordon Sande (Sande & Associates, Canada)

Applying Knowledge of Business Surveys Response Processes to the Design of Data Collection Software at the U.S. Census Bureau (590 KB)

Amy Anderson and Rebecca Morrison (U.S. Census Bureau)

The Response Process Model in Business Surveys: Lessons Learned by Using a Multi-Method Approach (623 KB)

Deirdre Giesen (Statistics Netherlands)
Tony Hak (Erasmus University, The Netherlands)

Improving Industry Descriptions for the Annual Refiling Survey (745 KB)

Karen Goldenberg and Monica Dashen (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Towards Reducing Error in an Establishment Survey Through Instrument Design: Identifying the Desired Navigational Path (2.22 MB)

Cleo Redline (National Science Foundation, USA)