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2007 Research Conference


Resources and Proceedings

Unless noted, all of these documents are in Portable Document Format [PDF]. To view them you will need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader which is available for free from the Adobe Web site.

Monitoring Response to a Multi-Wave Medical Establishment Survey: How Different Are Responders From Nonresponders? (199 KB)

Jessica Graber (National Opinion Research Center, USA)

Factors Affecting Response to the Occupational Employment Statistics Survey (511 KB)

Polly Phipps and Carrie Jones (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Review of the Weighting Methodology for the Canadian Community Health Survey (788 KB)

Steven Thomas, Cathlin Sarafin and Michelle Simard (Statistics Canada)

An Examination of Nonresponse Error and Measurement Error by Level of Effort Using Frame Information, Survey Reports, and Paradata

Sarah Dipko and Kerry Levin (WESTAT, USA) and Mary-Helen Risler (Internal Revenue Service, USA)

Comparison of Methods for Computing Yearly Growth Rates From Weekly and Monthly Data, 1978 to 2005 (565 KB)

Carol Blumberg (Energy Information Administration, USA)

The X-13A-S Seasonal Adjustment Program (362 KB)

Brian Monsell (U.S. Census Bureau)

Coherent Trends, Turning Points and Forecasts for ACS Data (334 KB)

Tucker McElroy (U.S. Census Bureau)

Empirical Evaluation of X-11 and Model-Based Seasonal Adjustment Methods (629 KB)

Richard Tiller, Daniel Chow and Stuart Scott (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Practicability of Including Cell Phone Numbers in Random Digit Dialed Surveys: Pilot Study Results From the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (349 KB)

Michael Link (Nielsen Media Research, USA), Michael Battaglia and Mary Osborn (Abt Associates, Inc., USA), Martin Frankel (Baruch College, CUNY and Abt Associates, Inc., USA) and Ali Mokdad (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

Measuring and Adjusting for Frame Undercoverage of the State and Local Value Put-In-Place (VIP) Survey (440 KB)

Thuy Trang Nguyen and Shadana Myers (U.S. Census Bureau)

Comparing the Quality of the Master Address File and the Current Demographic Household Surveys's Multiple Frames (155 KB)

Xijian Liu (U.S. Census Bureau)

Impact of Preliminary Versus Final Economic Census Data on the Universe Extraction Process for Current Business Surveys (284 KB)

Kari Clark and Carol King (U.S. Census Bureau)


Comparative Evaluation of Four Different Sensitive Tabular Data Protection Methods Using a Real Life Table Structure of Complex Hierarchies and Links (440 KB)

Ramesh Dandekar (Energy Information Administration, USA)

'Easy to Implement' Is Putting the Cart Before the Horse: Effective Techniques for Masking Numerical Data (440 KB)

Krish Muralidhar (University of Kentucky, USA) and Rathindra Sarathy (Oklahoma State University, USA)

Comparing Fully and Partially Synthetic Data Sets for Statistical Disclosure Control in the German IAB Establishment Panel (357 KB)

Joerg Drechsler, Agnes Dundler, Stefan Bender and Susanne Raessler (Institute for Employment Research, Germany)

Investigation of Selective Editing Procedures for the Annual Survey of Government Finances (219 KB)

Loretta McKenzie, Terri Craig and Carma Hogue (U.S. Census Bureau)

Measuring Edit Efficiency in the Economic Directorate of the U.S. Census Bureau (412 KB)

Broderick Oliver and Katherine Jenny Thompson (U.S. Census Bureau)

Improving the Efficiency of Data Editing and Imputation for a Large-Scale British Annual Business Survey (43 KB)

Alaa Al-Hamad and Gary Brown (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom) and Pedro Silva (Southampton University, United Kingdom)

An Empirical Investigation Into Macro Editing (405 KB)

Katherine Jenny Thompson and Laura Ozcoskun (U.S. Census Bureau)

Incorporating a Multi-Mode Design Into a Random-Digit-Dialing Survey (237 KB)

Michael Battaglia and Larry Osborn (Abt Associates Inc., USA), Michael Link (Nielsen Media Research, USA), Martin Frankel (Baruch College, CUNY and Abt Associates Inc., USA) and Ali Mokdad (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

Interviewer-Reported Reasons for Conducting Interviews by Telephone in the National Health Interview Survey, 2005 (192 KB)

Barbara Stussman, Catherine Simile and James Dahlhamer (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Response Profile of the 2005 ACS (237 KB)

Geoffrey Jackson (U.S. Census Bureau)

The Influence of Selected Factors on Student Survey Participation and Mode of Completion (364 KB)

Tracy Hunt-White (National Center for Education Statistics, USA)

Distorted Measures of Employment in Charitable Organizations: Causes, Impact and Remedies (493 KB)

Martin David (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)

A Proposed Model for Microintegration of Economic and Social Data (470 KB)

Paul De Winden, Koos Arts and Martin Luppes (Statistics Netherlands)

Methodologies for Estimating Mean Wages for Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Data (383 KB)

Mallika Kasturirangan (GEICO, USA), Shail Butani and Tamara Zimmerman (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Estimating the Measurement Error in the Current Population Survey Labor Force - A Latent Class Analysis Approach With Sample Design
(324 KB)

Bac Tran and Justin Nguyen (U.S. Census Bureau)

Respondent Consent to Link Survey Data With Administrative Records: Results From a Split-Ballot Field Test With the 2007 National Health Interview Survey (484 KB)

James Dahlhamer and Christine Cox (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Individual Privacy: How Laws Impact Researchers, Whether the Laws Apply or Not (178 KB)

Howard Fienberg (Council for Marketing and Opinion Research, USA)

An Introduction to the National Inmate Study (306 KB)

Rachel Caspar and Christopher Krebs (RTI International, USA), Allen Beck and Paige Harrison (Bureau of Justice Statistics, USA)

Discussion: Topics in Estimation and Modeling and International Surveys (190 KB)

Michael P. Cohen

Estimating Unemployment for Small Areas in Navarra, Spain (440 KB)

Maria Ugarte, Ana Militino and Tomas Goicoa (Public University of Navarra, Spain)

Two-Step Versus Simultaneous Estimation of Survey-Non-Sampling Error and True Value Components of Small Area Sample Estimators
(512 KB)

Swamy Paravastu and Tamara Zimmerman (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA) and Jatinder Mehta (Temple University, USA)

Weighting and Estimation Research Methodology and Results From the American Community Survey Family Equalization Project (242 KB)

Mark Asiala (U.S. Census Bureau)



Making Sense of Data via the Web - A Case Study Using Agricultural Data (21 KB)

Irwin Anolik (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (24 KB)

Yinong Chong, Rosemarie Hirsch, Cheryl Fryar and Jennifer Dostal (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

Computer Audio-Recorded Interviewing (CARI) (22 KB)

Katherine Mason (RTI International, USA)

Using a Pen Based Windows XP Tablet PC for Data Collection: Development of a Mobile System for Health Care Settings (27 KB)

Sarah Kalsbeek, Dick Paddock, Reginald Pendergraph, Helen Smith and Vanessa Thornburg (RTI International, USA)

Demonstration of the Hand-Held Computer to Be Used for the 2010 Census (23 KB)

Karen Field (U.S. Census Bureau)

Use of Global Positioning Receivers at the National Agricultural Statistics Service (23 KB)

Michael Gerling (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Development and Evaluation of an Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing System for Handheld Computing Devices (77 KB)

Kevin Wilson, Stephen Litavecz and Norman Goco (RTI International, USA)

Large Scale Applied Time Series Analysis with Program TSW (TRAMO-SEATS for Windows) (452 KB)

Agustin Maravall (Bank of Spain, Spain)

Implementing a Reconciliation and Balancing Model in the U.S. Industry Accounts (392 KB)

Dylan Rassier, Thomas Howells III, Edd Morgan, Nicholas Empey and Conrad Roesch (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA)

Estimates of State Price Levels for Consumption Goods and Services: A First Brush (620 KB)

Bettina Aten (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA)

Converting Historical Industry Time Series Data From SIC to NAICS (351 KB)

Robert Yuskavage (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA)

An Empirical Comparison of Methods for Temporal Disaggregation at the National Accounts (1.32 MB)

Baoline Chen (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA)

A New Application of Estimating Functions for Variance and Interval Estimation From Simple and Complex Surveys (297 KB)

Avinash Singh (Statistics Canada)

Model Averaging Methods for Weight Trimming in Generalized Linear Regression Models (440 KB)

Michael Elliott (University of Michigan, USA)

Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Modeling Correct Enumeration and Match Rate Variability (257 KB)

Andrew Keller (U.S. Census Bureau)

A Study of Basic Calibration Estimators and Their Variance Estimators in Presence of Nonresponse (271 KB)

Yves Thibaudeau (U.S. Census Bureau), Jun Shao (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) and Jeri Mulrow (National Science Foundation, USA)

Evaluation and Selection of Models for Attrition Nonresponse Adjustment (261 KB)

Eric Slud and Leroy Bailey (U.S. Census Bureau)

Attrition on the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (364 KB)

Alison Aughinbaugh (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA) and Rosella Gardecki (The Ohio State University Center for Human Resource Research, USA)

The Use of Linked Administrative Data to Tackle Nonresponse and Attrition in Longitudinal Studies (215 KB)

James Halse and Andrew Ledger (Department for Children, Schools and Families, United Kingdom)

Attrition Bias in Panel Estimates of the Characteristics of Program Beneficiaries (361 KB)

John Czajka, James Mabli and Karen Cunnyngham (Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., USA)

Improving the Labor Force Questions in the American Community Survey: The Results of the 2006 ACS Content Test (411 KB)

David Raglin and Kelly Holder (U.S. Census Bureau)

Analysis of Changes to the Educational Attainment Question in the 2006 ACS Content Test (414 KB)

Alan Peterson and Sarah Crissey (U.S. Census Bureau)

A Comparison of Forced-Choice and Mark-All-That-Apply Formats for Gathering Information on Health Insurance in the 2006 American Community Survey Content Test (488 KB)

Leah Ericson (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) and Chuck Nelson (U.S. Census Bureau)

A Comparison of Closed- and Open-Ended Question Formats for Select Housing Characteristics in the 2006 American Community Survey Content Test (377 KB)

John Chesnut, Jeanne Woodward and Ellen Wilson (U.S. Census Bureau)

Using the Multi-Level Integrated Database Approach (223 KB)

Tom W. Smith (National Opinion Research Center, USA)

Nonresponse Bias Patterns in the Current Population Survey (490 KB)

John Dixon (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Internet Use Among Low-Income Longitudinal Survey Respondents as They Update Contact Information (330 KB)

Bryan Rhodes and Ellen Marks (RTI International, USA)

RELAIS: Don't Get Lost in a Record Linkage Project (440 KB)

Tiziana Tuoto, Nicoletta Cibella, Marco Fortini, Monica Scannapieco and Laura Tosco (Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), Italy)

Allocated Values in Linked Files (194 KB)

Amy O'Hara (U.S. Census Bureau)

The Use of Free School Meal Status as a Proxy for Socio-Economic Status: Evidence From Matching the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England to the National Pupil Database (303 KB)

James Halse and Andrew Ledger (Department for Children, Schools and Families, United Kingdom)


Validating Health Insurance Coverage Survey Estimates: A Comparison Between Self-Reported Coverage and Administrative Data Records
(360 KB)

Michael Davern, Kathleen Call, Jeanette Ziegenfuss, Gestur Davidson and Lynn Blewett (University of Minnesota, USA) and Timothy Beebe (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA)

Differences in Estimates of Public Assistance Recipiency Between Surveys and Administrative Records (388 KB)

Victoria Lynch and Dean Resnick (U.S. Census Bureau), Jane Staveley and Cynthia Taeuber (Jacob France Institute, USA)

Developing the Chapin Hall Child Care Subsidy Eligibility Model (327 KB)

Dean Resnick (U.S. Census Bureau)

Estimating Measurement Error in SIPP Annual Job Earnings: A Comparison of Census Survey and SSA Administrative Data (1.12 MB)

Martha Stinson (U.S. Census Bureau)

Imbedding Model-Assisted Estimation Into ACS: The Impact on Users (540 KB)

Robert Fay III (U.S. Census Bureau)

A Larger Sample Size Is Not Always Better (287 KB)

Nagaraj Neerchal (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA), Herbert Lacayo and Barry Nussbaum (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Alternative Tests of Independence (440 KB)

Balgobin Nandram and Jai Choi (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Bridging Estimates by Race for the Current Population Survey (469 KB)

William Davis and Anne Hartman (National Cancer Institute, USA) and James Gibson (Information Management Services, USA)

Statistical Methods for Analyzing Multiple Race Response Data (491 KB)

Tommi Gaines (University of California, USA)

Analysis of Population Structure and Stratification in NHANES III Self- Reported Race/Ethnicities (92 KB)

Christopher Sanders and Lester Curtain (National Center for Health Statistics, USA) and Ajay Yesupriya (National Office of Public Health Genomics, USA)

Formulating the Laws of Studying Societal Change

Tom W. Smith (National Opinion Research Center, USA)

Analytical Comparison of the SIPP and CPS-ASEC Key Longitudinal Estimates (546 KB)

Smanchai Sae-Ung, C. Dennis Sissel and Tracy Mattingly (U.S. Census Bureau)

UK Household Surveys for UK Government: Building on Survey Integration (194 KB)

Roeland Beerten (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom)

Protocol Calibration in the National Resources Inventory (309 KB)

Cindy Yu and Jason Legg (Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology, USA)

Evaluation of the Coverage of the Linked Canadian Community Health Survey and Hospital Inpatient Records (277 KB)

Michelle Rotermann and Claude Nadeau (Statistics Canada)

Truth or Consequences: The Inter-Temporal Consistency of Adolescent Risk Behavior Reporting (390 KB)

Janet Rosenbaum (Harvard University, USA)

The Accuracy of Reported Insurance Status in the MEPS (417 KB)

Steven Hill (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, USA)

Quality of Income Data in Household Surveys: Lessons From a Comparative Analysis

Gabrielle Denmead (Denmead Services, USA), John Czajka and Robert Weathers (Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., USA) and Joan Turek (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)


Effects of Language and Culture on Interpretation of Translated "Confidentiality" and "Mandatory" Survey Messages

Yuling Pan and Ashley Landreth (U.S. Census Bureau), Marjorie Hinsdale-Shouse and Hyunjoo Park (RTI International, USA) and Alisu Schoua-Glusberg (Research Support Services, USA)

Asking for Numbers and Quantities - Visual Design Effects in Paper-And-Pencil and Web Surveys

Marek Fuchs (University of Kassel, Germany)

From Start to Pilot: A Multi-Method Approach to the Comprehensive Redesign of an Economic Survey Questionnaire (396 KB)

Alfred Tuttle, Rebecca Morrison and Diane Willimack (U.S. Census Bureau)

Background and Planning for Incorporating an Event History Calendar Into the Re-Engineered SIPP (256 KB)

Jason Fields (U.S. Census Bureau) and Mario Callegaro (Knowledge Networks, USA)

Recent Developments in the Use of Noise for Protecting Magnitude Data Tables: Balancing to Improve Data Quality and Rounding That Preserves Protection (331 KB)

Paul Massell and Jeremy Funk (U.S. Census Bureau)

Model Based Disclosure Avoidance for Data on Veterans (350 KB)

Sam Hawala and Jeremy Funk (U.S. Census Bureau)

Microdata Risk Assessment in an NSI Context (325 KB)

Jane Longhurst and Paul Vickers (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom)

Properties of Alternative Sample Design and Estimation Methods for the Consumer Expenditure Surveys (370 KB)

John Eltinge and Jeffrey Gonzalez (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

The American Community Survey Sample Design: An Experimental Springboard (440 KB)

Megha Joshipura and Steven Hefter (U.S. Census Bureau)

An Adaptive Sample Allocation for a Multiple Objectives Survey of Businesses (221 KB)

Daniela Golinelli, Greg Ridgeway and John Adams (RAND Corporation, USA)

Developments in Electronic Survey Design for Establishment Surveys (199 KB)

Grace O'Neill (U.S. Census Bureau)

Increasing Response Rates and Data Quality of Web Surveys: Pre-Notification and Questionnaire Paging Format (482 KB)

Dominic Lusinchi (West Research, USA)

Enhancing Web-Based Data Collection Using Excel Spreadsheets (263 KB)

Dan Jackson and Michele Eickman (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

On X11 Seasonal Adjustment and Estimation of Its Variance (406 KB)

Michail Sverchkov and Stuart Scott (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA) and Danny Pfeffermann (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and University of Southampton, United Kingdom)

Diagnostic Process to Assess the Effects of Truncating Extreme BRFSS Sampling Weights

Henry Roberts, Elizabeth Hughes and Ruth Jiles (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA) and Robert Woldman (North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, USA)

An Examination of Alternative Variance Estimators for the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (322 KB)

Laura Ozcoskun and Samson Adeshiyan (U.S. Census Bureau)

Multiple Imputation in the Annual Survey of Manufactures (385 KB)

Kirk White (U.S. Census Bureau) and Jerome Reiter (Duke University, USA)

Multiple Imputation of Right-Censored Wages in the German IAB Employment Register Considering Heteroscedasticity (258 KB)

Thomas Buettner and Susanne Raessler (Institute for Employment Research of the German Federal Employment Agency, Germany)

Imputing Missing Values in the Common Core of Data for Use in Computing the Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate (440 KB)

Jack Buckley, Marilyn McMillen Seastrom and Chris Chapman (National Center for Education Statistics, USA), Vincent Iannacchione (American Institutes for Research, USA), Sandra Eyster, Dan McGrath, and Rob Stillwell (RTI International, USA)