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2009 Research Conference


Resources and Proceedings

Unless noted, all of these documents are in Portable Document Format [PDF]. To view them you will need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader which is available for free from the Adobe Web site.


What We Don't Know Could Hurt Us: Some Reflections on the Measurement of Economic Activity (440 KB)
Katharine G. Abraham (University of Maryland)


Assessing Sample Design Options for the National Crime Victimization Survey (251 KB)

Robert Fay and Jianzhu Li (Westat, USA)

Analysis of Possible Nonresponse Bias in the National Crime Victimization Survey (1.08 MB)

Fritz Scheuren and Zhiwei Zhang (NORC at the University of Chicago, USA)

Examination of Data Collection Methods for the National Crime Victimization Survey (183 KB)

Lisa Carley-Baxter, Emilia Peytcheva, Vince Iannacchione, and Rachel Caspar (RTI International, USA)

Experimenting with Speech Interactive Voice Response, Touchtone Data Entry and the Web for the National Crime Victimization Survey

David Cantor and Pat Dean Brick (Westat, USA), Roger Tourangeau (University of Maryland, USA), and Frederick Conrad (University of Michigan, USA)

Evaluation of a 12-Month Reference Period in the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) (234 KB)

Lisa Lee and James Carr (NORC at the University of Chicago, USA)

Modeling Corporate Failure: A PLS Logistic Regression

Ben Jabeur Sami (University of Toulon-Var, France) and Aroua Rachid (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France)

Music as a Capital Asset (506 KB)

Rachel Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA)

The Transportation Services Index: Its Methodology and Relationship to the Business Cycle (345 KB)

Kenneth Notis and Peg Young (U.S. Department of Transportation)

Reliability of Price Indices to Age Expenditure Data Used in Government Measures

Sharon O'Donnell (U.S. Census Bureau) and Stuart McDonald (University of Queensland, Australia)

Record Linkage Modeling in Federal Statistical Databases (431 KB)

Michael Larsen (George Washington University, USA)

Generalized Maximum Likelihood Method in Linear Mixed Models with an Application in Small-Area Estimation (257 KB)

Partha Lahiri (University of Maryland, USA) and Huilin Li (National Institutes of Health, USA)

Spatial-Temporal Assimilation of Fine Fraction Particulate Matter

Ana Rappold (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and Marco Ferreira (University of Missouri, USA)

The Spatio-Temporal Determinants of Charter School Site Selection in New York City

Charisse Gulosino (Brown University, USA)


Incorporating Quality Measures in Tabular Data Protected by Perturbation Methods (440 KB)

Ramesh Dandekar (Energy Information Administration, USA)

Protecting Numerical Confidential Data Using Data Shuffling: A Demonstration of Effectiveness of Approach and Flexibility of Delivery (600 KB)

Rathindra Sarathy (Oklahoma State University, USA) and Krish Muralidhar (University of Kentucky, USA)

Vulnerability of Complementary Cell Suppression to Intruder Attack (255 KB)

Lawrence Cox (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Evaluating the Impact of Data Swapping Using Global Utility Measures (392 KB)

Sylvia Dohrmann, Tom Krenzke, and Shep Roey (Westat, USA) and J. Neil Russell (National Center for Education Statistics, USA)

NCHS Linked Survey and Administrative Records: Data Resources for Health Outcomes to Health Policy

Kimberly Lochner (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

An Evaluation of Data from the NCES Teachers Compensation Survey: The Relationship Between Teacher Compensation and Students in Poverty

Stephen Cornman and Frank Johnson (U.S. Department of Education), Steven Honegger and Amber Noel (American Institutes for Research, USA), and Lei Zhou (Macrosys Research, USA)

Using Administrative Data in the 2007 Census of Agriculture Edit (219 KB)

Virginia Harris, Jeffrey Beranek and Dan Beckler (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Census Population Coverage Error: Results and Methods (253 KB)

Colleen Clark (Statistics Canada)

Assessment of Potential Bias in Telephone Survey Estimates Due to Noncontact and Noncoverage Where Respondents Primarily Use Wireless Telephones or Do Not Have Landline Telephones (362 KB)

Meena Khare and Abera Wouhib (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Developing a Common Mode-Independent Approach for Evaluating Interview Quality and Interviewer Performance (621 KB)

Howard Speizer, Susan Kinsey, Richard Heman-Ackah and M. Rita Thissen (RTI International, USA)

The Influence of State-Specific, Programmatic Characteristics in the Modeling of Medicaid Undercount: A Record-Check Study of the 2001 Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) (492 KB)

Matthew Stevens (U.S. Census Bureau)


Project for the Evaluation of the Economic and Safety Situation of the Street Transportation Using a Cost-Effective Methodology: The Case of Cameroon (696 KB)

Ramses Zang, Sebastien Djienouassi, and Annie Laurence Mapondjou (Centre for Studies and Research on International Development (CERDI), France)

More Efficient Local Polynomial Regression on Random-Effects Panel Data Models

Ke Yang (University of Hartford, USA)

Assessing Immigrant Naturalization: Longitudinal Research Findings and Challenges (298 KB)

Karen Woodrow-Lafield (University of Maryland)

First-Line Supervisors: An Analysis of Job Satisfaction and Job Proficiency

Kelly Maguire and Charles Griffiths (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Occupational Classification Systems: Analyzing the 2010 SOC Revision (310 KB)

Alissa Emmel, Theresa Cosca, and Anne Louise Marshall (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Defining the Green Economy

Richard Clayton and George Stamas (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Updated Unified Category System for 1960-2000 Census Occupations (354 KB)

Peter Meyer (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

SIPP 2008 Incentive Analysis (143 KB)

Stephen Clark and Stephen Mack (U.S. Census Bureau)

Adaptive Contact Strategies in a Telephone Survey (283 KB)

James Wagner (University of Michigan, USA)

Characteristics of Parent Respondents in the National Household Education Surveys (428 KB)

Cameron McPhee and Stacy Bielick (American Institutes for Research, USA)

Measuring the Effects of Reminder Postcards in the Occupational Employment Statistics Survey (385 KB)

Carrie Jones (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)


Q-Notes: Development and Use of Analysis Software for Cognitive Interviews to Examine Survey Question Comparability ( 77 KB)

Kristen Miller, Aaron Maitland, Heather Ridolfo, Stephanie Willson, and Justin Mezetin (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

A Demonstration of FI Tracker: A Tool for Displaying and Monitoring Survey Interview Paradata (722 KB)

Joe Murphy, Susan Myers, and Barbara Bibb (RTI International, USA)

Statipedia - A Platform for Collaboration Across Statistical Agencies (838 KB)

Peter Meyer and James Buszuwski (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Demonstration of Census Coverage Measurement Clerical Matching Software (96 KB)

Tamara Adams, Susanne Johnson, Lee Goldberg, and Paul Clemm (U.S. Census Bureau)

Pension Coverage and Pension Types: Using W-2 Tax Records to Correct SIPP Survey Reports (293 KB)

Howard Iams and Irena Dushi (Social Security Administration, USA)

Measurement Error in Estimates of the Participation Rate in Means-Tested Programs: The Case of the U.S. Supplemental Security Income Program for the Elderly ( 461 KB)

Alexander Strand, Kalman Rupp, and Paul Davies (Social Security Administration, USA)

Using Matched Survey and Administrative Data to Estimate Eligibility for the Medicare Part D Program Low Income Subsidy ( 440 KB)

Lynn Karoly, Erik Meijer, and Pierre-Carl Michaud (Rand Corporation, USA)

Census Data Editing and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ( 502 KB)

Michael Levin (Harvard University, USA)

Re-Weighting of CPS Data

Maryan Cammarata (U.S. Census Bureau)

Comparison of Retail Drug Prices Obtained in the MEPS and Commercial Claims Data: Implications for Price Editing Rules and Data Quality (377 KB)

Marc Zodet, Steven Hill, and G. Edward Miller (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, USA)

Different Approaches for Non-Response Adjustments to Statistical Weights in the Continuous NHANES (2003-2004) (200 KB)

Lisa Mirel, Vicki Burt, Lester Curtin, and Cindy Zhang (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

An Evaluation of the Use of the American Community Survey as the Sampling Frame for the National Immunization Survey (NIS)

James Singleton and Philip Smith (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA) and Andrea Piani and Christopher Stringer (U.S. Census Bureau)

NIS Evaluation Study

Kimball Jonas (U.S. Census Bureau)

Methodological Changes in the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (2.97 MB)

John Wohlford (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Issues Related to Adding Sub-Annual Estimates to the Data Products Available from the American Community Survey (538 KB)

Karen King, Alfredo Navarro, Mark Asiala, B. Dale Garrett, Michael Starsinic, Sirius Fuller, J. Gregory Robinson, Michael Ikeda, Charles Nelson, and Scott Boggess (U.S. Census Bureau)

The Unique Method for Obtaining Data: Entering Agreements to Share Administrative Records

Stephen Cornman (U.S. Department of Education, USA)

Statistical Disclosure Control of Tabular Format Magnitude Data: Why It Is Not A Good Idea to Use Home Grown (Manual or Automated) Cell Suppression Procedures (440 KB)

Ramesh Dandekar (Energy Information Administration, USA)

Privacy Violations in Accountability Data Released to the Public by State Educational Agencies (440 KB)

Krish Muralidhar (University of Kentucky, USA) and Rathindra Sarathy (Oklahoma State University, USA)

Expert Task Force Consideration of Confidentiality, Effect Sizes, and Computerized Adaptive Testing at NCES (452 KB)

Andrew White and Marilyn Seastrom (National Center for Education Statistics, USA)

Fitting A Linear Model to Survey Data When the Long-Term Average Daily Intake of a Dietary Component Is An Explanatory Variable (282 KB)

Phillip Kott (RTI International, USA), Patricia Guenther (U.S. Department of Agriculture), David Wagstaff (Pennsylvania State University, USA), WenYen Juan (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), and Sibylle Kranz (East Carolina University, USA)

Collinearity Diagnostics for Complex Survey Data

Dan Liao (University of Maryland, USA)

Multilevel Models and Small Area Estimation in the Context of Vietnam Living Standards Surveys (3.41 MB)

Phong Nguyen (General Statistics Office of Vietnam, Vietnam), Dominique Haughton (Bentley University and Toulouse School of Economics, USA), and Irene Hudson and John Boland (University of South Australia, Australia)

The RAO-WU Rescaling Bootstrap: From Theory to Practice (440 KB)

Claude Girard (Statistics Canada)

Linearization Variance Estimation and Allocation for Two-Phase Sampling Under Mass Imputation (360 KB)

Abdellatif Demnati (Statistics Canada) and J.N.K. Rao (Carleton University, Canada)

Variance Approximations for Price Index Estimation

John Eltinge and Moon Jung Cho (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

On Point Estimation and Variance Estimation for Mean Expenditures in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (440 KB)

Michail Sverchkov, John Eltinge, and Lawrence Ernst (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)


Securing Informed Consent from Less Educated Respondents: Results from the National Inmate Survey (313 KB)

Rachel Caspar (RTI International, USA) and Paul Guerino (Bureau of Justice Statistics, USA)

Motivating Non-English-Speaking Populations for Census and Survey Participation (317 KB)

Yuling Pan and Nancy Bates (U.S. Census Bureau)

Informed Consent and the Statistical Use of Administrative Records

Michael Hawes and Carol Comisarow (U.S. Census Bureau)

A Tale of Two Surveys: Mortgage Wealth Data in the AHS and the SIPP (407 KB)

George Carter III and Alfred Gottschalck (U.S. Census Bureau)

Income Measurement in Federal Surveys (363 KB)

John Czajka (Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., USA) and Gabrielle Denmead (Denmead Services and Consulting, USA)

A Preliminary Evaluation of Health Insurance Coverage in the 2008 American Community Survey (528 KB)

Joanna Turner (U.S. Census Bureau), Michel Boudreaux (University of Minnesota, USA), and Victoria Lynch (Urban Institute)

Effects of Imputation on CPS Poverty Series, 1987-2007 (314 KB)

Joan Turek, Brian Sinclair-James, and Bula Ghose (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), Fritz Scheuren (NORC at the University of Chicago, USA), and Charles Nelson and Edward Welniak (U.S. Census Bureau)

Testing New Imputation Methods for Earnings in the Survey of Income and Program Participation (440 KB)

Martha Stinson and Gary Benedetto (U.S. Census Bureau)

Sensitivity of Inference Under Imputation: An Empirical Study (257 KB)

Jeffrey Gonzalez and John Eltinge (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Imputation Methods for the Current Employment Statistics Survey (458 KB)

Kennon Copeland (NORC at the University of Chicago, USA) and Lan Pham (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Measuring the Complexity and Importance of Businesses in Order to Better Manage our Data Collection Efforts (441 KB)

Serge Godbout and Sungjin Youn (Statistics Canada)

Assessing and Correcting the Effects of Measurement Error on the 2008 Economic Directorate Editing and Imputation Inventory (297 KB)

Laura Ozcoskun, La Toya Thomas, and Michael Hayes (U.S. Census Bureau)

Models of Nonresponse and Their Relationship to Survey Estimates (1.91 MB)

John Dixon (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Findings from a Pretest of a New Approach to Measuring Health Insurance in the Current Population Survey (1.03 MB)

Joanne Pascale (U.S. Census Bureau)

Using Spectral Peaks to Detect Seasonality (440 KB)

Tucker McElroy (U.S. Census Bureau) and Scott Holan (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA)

A Review of Air Travel Passengers Forecasting Models and Their Robustness

Ali Dadpay, Charlie Han, and David Chesser (Macrosys Research, USA) and Antony Homan (U.S. Department of Transportation)

Seasonal Adjustment of Short Time Series with Calendar Effect Treatments - Applied Methods in the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Brian Dahlin (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)


Overview of Open Research Questions in Methodological and Empirical Work with Statistical Uses of Administrative Records

Shelley Wilkie Martinez (Office of Management and Budget, USA), John Eltinge (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA), and Jenna Fulton (University of Maryland, USA)

Expanding Statistical Use of Administrative Data: A Research Proposal Focused on Privacy and Confidentiality (380 KB)

Gerald Gates (Gerald Gates Privacy Consulting, USA)

Investing in A Data Quality Assurance Program for Administrative Data Linked to Survey Data for Policy Research Purposes Is Essential (395 KB)

Michael Davern (University of Minnesota, USA)

Discussant: (128 KB)

Robert Fay (Westat, USA)

Internet Surveys and the Demise of the Matrix

Grace O'Neill and Stan Freedman (Energy Information Administration, USA)

The Effects of Grouping Response Options in Factual Questions with Many Options (243 KB)

Cleo Redline and Roger Tourangeau (University of Maryland, USA), Frederick Conrad and Mick Couper (University of Michigan, USA), and Cong Ye (University of Maryland, USA)

Response Format Effects on Measurement of Employment

Randall Thomas (ICF International, USA), Jolene Smyth (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), and Don Dillman (Washington State University, USA)

Mode Effects in Mixed-Mode Surveys of Veteran and Military Populations

Boris Rachev (ICF International, USA)

Revisiting Nested Stratification of Primary Sampling Units (256 KB)

Tom Krenzke and Wen-Chau Haung (Westat, USA)

Statistical Sample Design for Coalbed Methane Industry Survey: Projects Versus Wells

Marla Smith and Carey Johnston (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Maximizing Overlap of Large Primary Sampling Units in Repeated Sampling: A Comparison of Ernst's Method with Ohlsson's Method (44 KB)

Padraic Murphy and Reid Rottach (U.S. Census Bureau)

Minimizing Duplication of Samples Drawn from Overlapping Frames of Multiple Surveys (440 KB)

Peter Kwok, Hee-Choon Shin, Colm O'Muircheartaigh, Whitney Murphy, Angela Debello, and Kari Carris (NORC at the University of Chicago, USA) and Youlian Liao (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

Metadata and Data Harmonization (276 KB)

Daniel Gillman (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA) and Frank Farance (Farance Inc., USA)

Innovative Uses of Data Mining Techniques in the Production of Official Statistics (151 KB)

Jaki McCarthy, Thomas Jacob, and Dale Atkinson (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Benchmarking the Performance of Statistical Agencies (269 KB)

Marilyn Seastrom and Valena Plisko (National Center for Education Statistics, USA)

Searching for Alternatives to A Random Digit Dial Telephone Interview - Redesigning the National Household Education Surveys (271 KB)

Chris Chapman (National Center for Education Statistics, USA) and Mary Hagedorn (Westat, USA)

Redesigning the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (322 KB)

Joseph Gfroerer, Jonaki Bose, Dicy Painter, Mike Jones, and Joel Kennet (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, USA)

Redesigning the National Crime Victimization Survey (329 KB)

Michael Rand (Bureau of Justice Statistics, USA)

Utilizing An Alternative Sampling Frame to Produce Agricultural Survey Indications (190 KB)

Wendy Barboza and Mark Harris (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Four Digits or No-Digit Social Security Numbers - Impact on the National Agricultural Statistics Service Record Linkage Maintenance Processes
(364 KB)

Denise Abreu, Kara Daniel, William Iwig, and Stan Hoge (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Comparison of Methods for Updating Census Based Estimates of Number of Farms to Non-Census Years (685 KB)

Michael Bellow (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA) and Phillip Kott (RTI International, USA)


Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Sample Design (331 KB)

Charles Day (Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income Division, USA)

Derivation of Sample Size Formula for Cluster Randomized Trials with Binary Responses Using A General Continuity Correction Factor and Identification of Optimal Settings for Small Event Rates (440 KB)

Majnu John and Madhu Mazumdar (Weill Cornell Medical College, USA)

Sampling from Discrete Distributions: Application to An Editing Problem (440 KB)

Lawrence Cox (National Center for Health Statistics, USA) and Marco Better (OptTek Systems, Inc., USA)

Discussant: (137 KB)

Michael P. Cohen (Statistical Consultant, NORC at the University of Chicago, and George Mason University, USA)

Earnings Volatility in the U.S.: Short-Term and Long-Term Trends (214 KB)

Beethika Khan and David Beede (U.S. Department of Commerce)

Measuring Business Cycles with Rapid Estimates (440 KB)

Pieter Vlag (Statistics Netherlands)

Business Age, Another Source of Employment (887 KB)

Ting Zhang and David Stevens (University of Baltimore, USA)

Establishment Respondents as Survey Managers: Using Survey Design Features to Empower Respondents to Find and Recruit Knowledgeable Company Personnel for Assistance (201 KB)

Alfred Tuttle (U.S. Census Bureau)

Using Negatively Framed Questions to Evaluate Nursing Home Care (307 KB)

Elizabeth Frentzel, Chris Evensen, and San Keller (American Institutes for Research, USA), Judith Sangl (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, USA), Julie Brown (Rand, USA), and Carol Cosenza (University of Massachusetts, USA)

The Effects of Recall Length and Reporting Aids on Household Reporting of Health Care Events in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (362 KB)

Samuel Zuvekas (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, USA)

Social Desirability Bias, Response Order Effect and Selection Effects in the new Dutch Safety Monitor (440 KB)

Thomas Kraan, Jan van den Brakel, Bart Buelens, and Harry Huys (Statistics Netherlands)