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2012 Research Conference

Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC
January 10-12, 2012

Resources and Proceedings

Unless noted, all of these documents are in Portable Document Format [PDF]. To view them you will need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader which is available for free from the Adobe Web site.


"Who is This Survey Designed for, the 'Agency' or the Respondent?" (404 KB)
Don Dillman (Washington State University, USA)


More Money? The Impact of Larger Incentives on Response Rates in Two Phase Mail Survey (539 KB)

Cameron McPhee (American Institutes for Research, USA) and Sarah Hastedt (National Center for Education Statistics, USA)

What Has It Gotten Us? Examining Incentives Over Time in a Cross-Sectional Study (383 KB)

Tracy Hunt-White (National Center for Education Statistics, USA) and Jennifer Wine and Peter Siegel (RTI International, USA)

An Investment in Goodwill or Encouraging Delays? Examining the Effects of Incentives in a Longitudinal Study (857 KB)

Karen Grigorian (NORC at the University of Chicago, USA) and Lynn Milan (National Science Foundation, USA)

Generic Area Estimations and Local Crime Patterns (358 KB)

Michael Planty (Bureau of Justice Statistics, USA)

Rethinking the NCVS: Subnational Goals Through Direct Estimation (407 KB)

Robert Fay and Jianzhu Li (Westat, Inc. USA)

Rethinking the NCVS: Small Area Estimation Approaches to Estimating Crime (404 KB)

Jianzhu Li, Mamadou Diallo, and Robert Fay (Westat, Inc. USA)

Designing Low(er)-Cost Companion to the National Crime Victimization Survey (404 KB)

J. Michael Brick and W. Sherman Edwards (Westat, Inc., USA) and Sharon Lohr (Arizona State University, USA)

Census 2012 Count Imputation: Collapsing Strategies Using Mean Squared Error (479 KB)

Andrew Keller (U.S. Census Bureau)

Implementation of Improvements to the Allocation Routine for Health Insurance Coverage in the CPS ASEC (391 KB)

Joanna Turner and Michel Boudreaux (University of Minnesota, USA)

Evaluations of Imputation Methods to Improve the American Community Survey Estimates of the Group Quarters Population for Small Geographies
(1.42 MB)

Mark Asiala, Michael Beaghen, Alfredo Navarro, and Lynn Weidman (U.S. Census Bureau)

Wage Imputation in the OES Survey: A Model-Based Approach (473 KB)

Jane Osburn (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Estimates of International Migration for United States Natives (470 KB)

Christopher Dick, Eric Jensen, and David Armstrong (U.S. Census Bureau)

Forecasting Immigration Trends With Bayesian Structural Time Series Models (76 KB)

Scott Borger and Anthony Kassekert (Office of Immigration Statistics, USA)

Imputing the Legal Status of Foreign-Born Persons on Surveys: Two New Approaches (552 KB)

Dean Judson (Decision Analytics, USA)

Estimating Personal Transfers From the United States (404 KB)

Rachel Soloveichik and Anne Flatness (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA)


The Case for Simulation Models of Federal Surveys (216 KB)

Lawrence Cox (National Institute of Statistical Sciences, USA)

Simulating NHIS Field Operations (404 KB)

Bor-Chung Chen (Federal Railroad Administration, USA)

WSSM: World's Simplest Survey Microsimulator (1.08 MB)

Alan Karr, Satkartar Kinney, and Lawrence Cox (National Institute of Statistical Sciences, USA)

Retrospective Linking of ECLS-K and ECLS-B Reading Scores (510 KB)

Carolyn Fidelman (National Center for Education Statistics, USA)

The Role of Community Health Centers in Providing Safety-Net Access to Health Care (100 KB)

Sandra Decker (National Center for Health Statistics, USA) and Frederic Selck (Johns Hopkins University, USA)

Use of Synthetic Data in Testing Administrative Records Systems (563 KB)

K. Bradley Paxton and Thomas Hager (ADI, LLC, USA)

Return to Sender: Improving Response Rates in Two-stage Mail Surveys (717 KB)

Saida Mamedova and Cameron McPhee (American Institutes for Research, USA)

Multi-mode Survey Response Process for a Complex Economic Survey (564 KB)

Richard Hough (U.S. Census Bureau) and Brandon Shackelford (Twin Ravens Consulting, USA)

Redesigning the National Surveys of Long-Term Care Providers (404 KB)

Lauren Harris-Kojetin (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Measuring the Economic Impact of Intellectual Property Reliant Industries (404 KB)

Brittany Bond, Jocelyn Burston, and David Langdon (U.S. Department of Commerce)

Modernization of Benchmarking Economic Time Series at the U.S. Census Bureau (404 KB)

Irene Brown (U.S. Census Bureau)

Using a Leading Credit Index to Predict Turning Points in the U.S. Business Cycle (404 KB)

Gad Levanon, Jean-Claude Manini, Ataman Ozyildirim, Brian Schaitkin, and Jennelyn Tanchua (The Conference Board, USA)

Early Estimates for the Retail Trade with a Mixed Model (73 KB)

Pieter Vlag (Statistics Netherlands)

Possible 2020 Census Designs and the Use of Administrative Records: What is the Impact on Cost and Quality? (225 KB)

Frank Vitrano and Maryann Chapin (U.S. Census Bureau)

2010 Census Simulation: Comparing Administrative Records and Decennial Data (92 KB)

Amy O'Hara (U.S. Census Bureau)

Public Attitudes Toward the Use of Administrative Records in the U.S. Census: Does Question Frame Matter? (566 KB)

Nancy Bates, Monica Wroblewski, and Joanne Pascale (U.S. Census Bureau)

Comparing Weighting Methods of Adjusting for Logistic Unit Nonresponse (318 KB)

Phillip Kott and Dan Liao (RTI International, USA)

A Response Propensity Based Evaluation of the Treatment of Unit Nonresponse for Selected Business Surveys (683 KB)

Katherine Jenny Thompson and Katrina Washington (U.S. Census Bureau)

Nonresponse and Panel Attrition in a Mobile Phone Panel Survey (174 KB)

Marek Fuchs (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany)

Rich List Data and Adjusting for Nonresponse Bias (92 KB)

Paco Martorell and David Loughran (RAND, USA) and Jacob Klerman (Abt Associates, USA)

Comparing Estimates and Item Nonresponse Rates of Interviewers Using Statistical Process Control Techniques (677 KB)

Robyn Sirkis (U.S. Census Bureau)

Paradata in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (404 KB)

Laura Paszkiewicz (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

The Implementation of Dashboards in Governments Division Surveys (248 KB)

Terri Craig and Carma Hogue (U.S. Census Bureau)

Development of a SAS Dashboard to Support Administrative Data Collection Processes (566 KB)

Marianne Reifschneider and Susan Harris (Energy Information Administration, USA)

Exploring a Balance Edit Approach in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (404 KB)

Brandon Kopp, Scott Fricker, and Nhien To (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Explaining Long-term Differences Between Census and BEA Measures of the Income of Persons (404 KB)

Arnold Katz (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA)

Treatment of Influential Values in the Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll (444 KB)

Joseph Barth, John Tillinghast, and Mary Mulry (U.S. Census Bureau)

Getting More From Survey Income Measures: Empirically-Based Recommendations for Improving Accuracy and Efficiency (346 KB)

John Czajka (Mathematica Policy Research, USA) and Gabrielle Denmead (Consultant, USA)


Effect of Model Misspecification on Small Area Estimation of Proportions from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) Data
(404 KB)

Vladislav Beresovsky and Donald Malec (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Small Area Estimation for Governments Surveys (404 KB)

Bac Tran and Yang Cheng (U.S. Census Bureau)

Small Area Prediction for a Unit Level Lognormal Model (404 KB)

Emily Berg (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA) and Hukum Chandra (Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, India)

Evaluating Data Collection Mode Options in the 2010 National Survey of College Graduates (241 KB)

John Finamore (National Science Foundation, USA)

Developing a Multi-mode, Longitudinal Study to Understand College Student Outcomes Using Becker's Human Capital Framework (465 KB)

Matthew Soldner and Tracy Hunt-White (National Center for Education Statistics, USA) and Jennifer Wine and Natasha Janson (RTI International, USA)

Considering a Digital 2020 Census (800 KB)

Michael Thieme (U.S. Census Bureau)

Exploring Underreporting and Respondent Records Usage in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (237 KB)

Neil Tseng, Brandon Kopp, Janel Brattland, and Jeanette Davis (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA), Emily Geisen (RTI International, USA), and M. Christopher Stringer (U.S. Census Bureau)

Shifting Income Sources of the Aged (382 KB)

Chris Anguelov, Howard Iams, and Patrick Purcell (Social Security Administration, USA)

Evaluation of Gross Vacancy Rates From the Decennial Census Versus Current Surveys: Early Findings From Comparisons With the 2010 Census and the 2010 ACS 1-Year Estimates (1.31 MB)

Arthur Cresce, Jr. (U.S. Census Bureau)

Evaluating an Alternative Data Source for Editing MEPS Drug Prices (299 KB)

Marc Zodet, Steven Hill, and Samuel Zuvekas (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, USA)

Cropscape: The New Visualization, Querying, and Dissemination Web Portal for the NASS Cropland Data Layer (99 KB)

Audra Zakzeski (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Visualizing Agricultural Data via the Web (93 KB)

Irwin Anolik (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Testing Production Data Capture Quality (473 KB)

K. Bradley Paxton, Steven Spiwak, Douglass Huang, and James McGarity (ADI, LLC, USA)

Statipedia: A Wiki Workspace for Federal Statistical Staff (1.39 MB)

Peter Meyer (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Comparing the Selection of One Person per Household to the Selection of All Household Members: Can Less be More? (735 KB)

Vincent Iannacchione and Bonnie Shook-Sa (RTI International, USA)

Methods for Incorporating an Undersampled Cell Phone Frame When Weighting a Dual-Frame Telephone Survey (841 KB)

A. Elizabeth Ormson, Kennon Copeland, Kirk Wolter, and Kathleen Santos (NORC at the University of Chicago, USA) and Stephen Blumberg (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Longitudinal Survey Weight Calibration Applied to the NSF Survey of Doctorate Recipients (278 KB)

Michael Larsen, Siyu Qing, Beilei Zhou, and Mary Foulkes (The George Washington University, USA)

Methods for Adjusting Survey Weights When Estimating a Total (404 KB)

Kimberly Henry (Internal Revenue Service, USA) and Richard Valliant (University of Michigan, USA)

A Preliminary Evaluation of the Residence History Data in the 2010 and 2011 Field Tests of the Re-Engineered Survey of Income and Program Participation (470 KB)

Matthew Marlay and Peter Mateyka (U.S. Census Bureau)

Measuring School Enrollment in the 2011 Re-SIPP Field Test (481 KB)

Stephanie Ewert and Sarah Crissey (U.S. Census Bureau)

"I Don't Remember": Effects of Recall Period on Reported Job and Program Participation Duration (327 KB)

Rebecca Chenevert and Renee Ellis (U.S. Census Bureau)

An Evaluation of Reporting Accuracy in SIPP-EHC Field Test Data Using 2008 SIPP Administrative Records (404 KB)

Graton Gathright, Martha Stinson, and Lori Reeder (U.S. Census Bureau)

Designing a Paradata Application in a CAPI Environment (478 KB)

Barbara O'Hare and Matthew Jans (U.S. Census Bureau)

Using Paradata to Monitor Survey Production, Cost, and Quality Within an Adaptive Total Design Framework (428 KB)

David Cunningham Hunter, Susan Mitchell, Lisa Carley-Baxter and Michael Keating (RTI International, USA)

Producing Control Charts to Monitor Response Rates for Business Surveys in the Economic Directorate of the U.S. Census Bureau (447 KB)

Yarissa Gonzalez and Broderick Oliver (U.S. Census Bureau)

A Web-Based Approach for Combining Metadata, Search, and Data Profiling (77 KB)

Jeff Butler (Internal Revenue Service, USA)

An Exploratory Components Procedure to Uncover the Q Matrix in Cognitive Diagnostic Testing (588 KB)

Catherine Close, Mark Davison, and Ernest Davenport, Jr. (University of Minnesota, USA)

Genuine Exact Two-Stage Methodologies for Producing Assigned Accuracy Estimators for a Gamma Mean (485 KB)

Kevin Tolliver (U.S. Census Bureau)

Quantification of Profile Matches (381 KB)

Ernest Davenport, Jr. and Mark Davison (University of Minnesota, USA)


Can Post-Imputation Calibration Mitigate Possible Bias in Rubin's Multiple Imputation Variance Estimator? (404 KB)

Benjamin Reist and (U.S. Census Bureau) and Michael Larsen (The George Washington University, USA)

Condition Indexes and Variance Decompositions for Diagnosing Collinearity in Linear Model Analysis of Survey Data (476 KB)

Dan Liao (RTI International, USA) and Richard Valliant (University of Michigan and University of Maryland, USA)

Within PSU Sort Research to Reduce Variances for the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) (469 KB)

Sarah Tekansik and Stephen Mack (U.S. Census Bureau)

Weighting and Variance Estimation Under Responsive Designs and Related Forms of Sample-Driven Resource Allocation for Complex Surveys
(117 KB)

John Eltinge (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Data Collection Methods in Establishment Surveys (260 KB)

Brad Edwards (Westat, Inc., USA) and David DesRoches (Mathematica Policy Research, USA)

A Comparison of Establishment Collection Mailing Methods (445 KB)

Chris Ellis (RTI International, USA), Margaret Noonan (Bureau of Justice Statistics, USA), Tim Flanigan, Scott Ginder, and Hope Smiley McDonald (RTI International, USA)

Does it Pay to Try Again? Using Production Metrics From the Recruiting Process on an Establishment Survey to Design Recruiting Protocols (1.09 MB)

Sara Zuckerbraun, Patricia LeBaron, and John Loft (RTI International, USA) and Manisha Sengupta (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Developing Response Metrics for the Economic Census (404 KB)

Joanna Fane Lineback, Broderick Oliver, and Diane Willimack (U.S. Census Bureau)

Survey Quality Indicator Measures (1.07 MB)

Donsig Jang (Mathematica Policy Research, USA) and Flora Lan (National Science Foundation, USA)

Implementing Quality Control Procedures at NASS' National Operations Center (240 KB)

Jeffrey Boone (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Quality Assurance for EPA's National Coastal Survey (317 KB)

Marla Smith, Sarah Lehmann, and Treda Grayson (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Achieving Information Quality via Continuous Quality Improvement (457 KB)

Shawna Waugh (Energy Information Administration, USA)

Applicability of Basic Separability Principles to Enhance the Operational Efficiency of Synthetic Tabular Data Generation Procedures in Multi Dimensional Table Structures (404 KB)

Ramesh Dandekar (Energy Information Administration, USA)

A Stochastic/Deterministic Hybrid Search Method for Solving the 3-Dimensional Cell Suppression Problem for Deeply Hierarchical-Structured Tables
(404 KB)

Matt Fetter (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

k-Anonymization May Be NP-complete, but Can It Be Practical? (234 KB)

David Wilson (RTI, International, USA)

Establishing a Secure Data Center With Remote Access (634 KB)

Jeffrey Gonder and Evan Burton (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA) and Elaine Murakami (Federal Highway Administration, USA)

Nonresponse Bias Analysis of BMI Data in the ATUS Eating & Health Module (313 KB)

Karen Hamrick (Economic Research Service, USA)

Estimating Mental Illness in an Ongoing National Survey (404 KB)

Joe Gfroerer, Sarra Hedden, Peggy Barker, and Jonaki Bose (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, USA) and Jeremy Aldworth (RTI International, USA)

Telling Truth From Y's: Accuracy of Self-Reported Semen Exposure Assessed by a Semen Y-Chromosome Biomarker (294 KB)

Janet Rosenbaum (University of Maryland, USA), Johan Melendez (Johns Hopkins University, USA), Eve Rose, Gina Wingood, and Ralph DiClemente (Emory University, USA), and Jonathan Zenilman (Johns Hopkins University, USA)

Linking Children From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to Medicaid Enrollment and Claims Data (75 KB)

Lisa Mirel (National Center for Health Statistics, USA), Gloria Wheatcroft (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, USA), and Cordell Golden and Kenneth Schoendorf (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Measurement Strategies for Identifying Holders of Certificates and Certifications (495 KB)

Sharon Boivin and Isaiah O'Rear (National Center for Education Statistics, USA)

Evaluation of the 2008 American Community Survey Employment Status Question Change (404 KB)

Alfred Gottschalck, Braedyn Kromer, David Howard, and David Hedengren (U.S. Census Bureau)

The National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation Cell Phone and Debit Card Test (402 KB)

Elke McLaren, Aniekan Okon, and Denise Pepe (U.S. Census Bureau)

The Missing Link: From Concepts to Questions in Economic Surveys (360 KB)

Diane Willimack (U.S. Census Bureau) and Ger Snijkers (Statistics Netherlands)

Consequences of Social Security Number Randomization (202 KB)

Bert Kestenbaum (Social Security Administration, USA)

Taxable Property Values: Exploring the Feasibility of a Survey (487 KB)

Peter Schilling and Brian Zamperini (U.S. Census Bureau)

Measurement Error in the Relationship Status of Same-Sex Couples in the 2009 American Community Survey (500 KB)

Matthew Virgile (U.S. Census Bureau)

Statistics on Temporal and Spatial Activity Based on Mobile Phone Network Data (404 KB)

Edwin de Jonge, Merijn van Pelt, and Marko Roos (Statistics Netherlands)


MI Double Feature: Multiple Imputation to Address Nonresponse and Rounding Errors in Income Questions Simultaneously (383 KB)

Jörg Drechsler (Institute for Employment Research, Germany) and Hans Kiesl (University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

Multiple Imputation: Limitations Born From Missing Data Among Covariates (282 KB)

Kenneth Steve and Li Leung (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, USA)

Effect of Different Imputation Methods on Factor Analyses of CAHPS Nursing Home Survey (176 KB)

Robert Baskin, Judy Sangl, and Marc Zodet (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, USA)

Closing the Feedback Loop in Survey Design - How Public Sector Research Needs Inform Evolution of the Census of Agriculture (804 KB)

Luanne Lohr (Economic Research Service, USA) and Donald Buysse (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Survey Redesign Process for a Business Survey: Lessons Learned From the Business R&D and Innovation Survey (393 KB)

Richard Hough (U.S. Census Bureau)

Comparison of the Data Reliability of Nationally Representative Estimates From the Full (2007) and Half (2008) Samples of the National Hospital Discharge Survey - Implications for Trend Analyses (217 KB)

Margaret Jean Hall and Maria Owings (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Integration of the National Hospital Discharge Survey and the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey into the National Hospital Care Survey (237 KB)

Carol DeFrances and David Woodwell (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

Generalized Domain Size Threshold for Analysis Restrictions for Remote Analysis Servers (551 KB)

Avinash Singh, Joshua Borton, and Allan Crego (NORC at the University of Chicago, USA)

Logistic Regression With Variables Subject to Post Randomization Method (1.39 MB)

Yong Ming Jeffrey Woo and Aleksandra Slavkovi? (The Pennsylvania State University, USA)

Disclosure Avoidance Through Noise Infusion and Synthetic Data: The Case of the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (917 KB)

John Abowd and Lars Vilhuber (Cornell University, USA, and U.S. Census Bureau), Kaj Gittings (Louisiana State University, USA), Kevin McKinney (U.S. Census Bureau), Bryce Stephens (Bates White Economic Consulting, USA), and Simon Woodcock (Simon Fraser University, USA)

Technology Advancing Data Collection: Implementing Thin Client Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing into National Agricultural Statistics Services' 2011 Field Data Collection Program (440 KB)

Michael Gerling, Pam Hird, and James Harris (National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA)

Data Quality Record - A Desktop Application (0.99 MB)

Judy Lieberman, Joseph Greenblott, and Patricia Mundy (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and Michael Crow (Crow Environmental, USA)

CARI Interactive Data Access System (272 KB)

Carl Fisher (RTI International, USA)

RTI Quality Evaluation System (QUEST) (404 KB)

Susan Kinsey, Derek Stone, and Curry Spain (RTI International, USA)

Besting the Odds: Optimal Reporting of Logistic Regression (404 KB)
(Please note that all papers were combined into one session paper.)
Morgen Miller and Edward Norton (University of Michigan, USA), Kasey Coyne (Departments of Health Evidence & Policy, USA), Jason Wang (New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, USA) and Lawrence Kleinman (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA)UEST)

Reducing Respondent Burden: Evaluating the Progress of the 2011 SIPP-EHC (327 KB)

Rachael Walsh and Jason Fields (U.S. Census Bureau)

Differing Person Nonresponse Rate by Interview Length and Respondent Characteristic: Results From the 2010 and 2011 SIPP-EHC Field Tests
(619 KB)

Daniel Perez-Lopez and Rachael Walsh (U.S. Census Bureau)

Does Length Really Matter? Exploring the Effects of a Shorter Interview on Data Quality, Nonresponse, and Respondent Burden (404 KB)

Scott Fricker, Brett Creech, Jeanette Davis, Jeffrey Gonzalez, Lucilla Tan, and Nhien To (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Linking Medicaid Administrative Records Over Time and Space: Methods and Findings, 2005 to 2007 (472 KB)

Shinu Verghese and John Czajka (Mathematica Policy Research, USA)

Misreporting of Food Stamp Participation in the NHANES: Results From a Pilot Study Linking Administrative Records to Survey Data (222 KB)

John Kirlin (Economic Research Service, USA), Michael Wiseman (George Washington University, USA), Daniel Schroeder (The University of Texas at Austin, USA), and Lisa Mirel (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)

How Good are ASEC Earnings Data? A Comparison to SSA Detailed Earning Records (586 KB)

Joan Turek, Kendall Swenson, and Bula Ghose (Department of Health and Human Services, USA), Fritz Scheuren (NORC at the University of Chicago, USA), and Charles Nelson and Edward Welniak (U.S. Census Bureau)

Comparing Job Characteristics from the 2010 SIPP_EHC Field Test to the Census Bureau Business Register (526 KB)

Graton Gathright, Jeremy Skog, and Martha Stinson (U.S. Census Bureau)

Expanding the Community Address Updating System Universe (502 KB)

Bryan Schar, James Lawrence, Star Ying, and Jim Hartman (U.S. Census Bureau)

Estimation and Sampling of Longitudinal Person-Firm Data (1.62 MB)

Kevin McKinney (U.S. Census Bureau)

Estimates of External Bias in Impact Evaluations That Select Sites Purposively (75 KB)

Stephen Bell and Robert Olsen (Abt Associates, USA) and Larry Orr and Elizabeth Stuart (Johns Hopkins University, USA)


Calibrated Bayes: Spanning the Divide Between Frequentist and Bayesian Inference (465 KB)

Roderick Little (U.S. Census Bureau and University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA)

A Semi-Parametric Approach to Account for Complex Designs in Multiple Imputation (779 KB)

Hanzhi Zhou, Trivellore Raghunathan, and Michael Elliott (University of Michigan, USA)

Nonresponse Adjustment Based on Auxiliary Variables Subject to Error (382 KB)

Brady West (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) and Roderick Little (U.S. Census Bureau and University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA)

Pulling Together: Linking Unemployment Insurance and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Administrative Data to Study Effects of the Great Recession (404 KB)

Theresa Anderson (George Washington University, USA, and Economic Research Service, USA), John Kirlin (Economic Research Service, USA), and Michael Wiseman (George Washington University, USA)

Study of Factors Affecting Record Linkage in Federal Statistical Databases (283 KB)

Yuan Zhao and Michael Larsen (George Washington University, USA)

Qualitative Assessment of Administrative Records: The Case of State Prisons' Records (298 KB)

Anna Chan (U.S. Census Bureau)

Methods of Assigning Race and Hispanic Origin to Births From Vital Statistics Data (563 KB)

Christine Guarneri and Christopher Dick (U.S. Census Bureau)

Total Survey Error in the American Time Use Survey (304 KB)

John Dixon and Brian Meekins (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA)

Experimental Design for Nonresponse Follow-Up of an Electronic Questionnaire Survey (641 KB)

Joanne Leung, Jeannine Claveau, Claude Turmelle, and Karla Fox (Statistics Canada) and Wei Lin and Milana Karaganis (University of Toronto, Canada)

Comparison of the American Community Survey Voluntary Versus Mandatory Estimates (364 KB)

Karen King, Michael Starsinic, and Alfredo Navarro (U.S. Census Bureau)