2013 Research Conference
Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC
November 4-6, 2013
PRESENTATIONS (posted on the COPAFS website)
Resources and Proceedings
Unless noted, all of these documents are in Portable Document Format [PDF].
Confronting the Challenges of Household Surveys by Mixing Modes (6.8 MB)
Dr. Roger Tourangeau (Westat)
Arthur Hughes (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Jonaki Bose (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Bonnie Shook-Sa (RTI International)
Katherine Morton (RTI International)
Current and Future Uses of Address Lists for the National Health Interview Survey Sample (1.3 MB)
Chris Moriarity (National Center for Health Statistics)
A Tale of Two Surveys: Learning From the Application of Address-Based Sampling in Federal Surveys (440.0 MB)
Eileen O'Brien (Energy Information Administration)
Vladislav Beresovsky (National Center for Health Statistics)
Janey Hsiao (National Center for Health Statistics)
Statistical Modeling of National Survey of College Graduates and American Community Survey Variables (48.3 MB)
Michael Larsen (The George Washington University)
Variance Modeling Research for the Small Area Health Insurance Estimates Program (1.8 MB)
Mark Bauder (U.S. Census Bureau)
Sam Szelepka (U.S. Census Bureau)
Donald Luery (U.S. Census Bureau)
Robert Fay (Westat)
Mamadou Diallo (Westat)
Michael Planty (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
The Impact of Survey Communications on Response Rates and Response Quality (4.4 MB)
Frances Barlas (ICF International)
Amy Falcone (ICF International)
Nikki Bellamy (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Amy Mack (ICF International)
Developing an Inclusive Web Survey Design for Respondents with Disabilities (4.8 MB)
Jessica Jagger (U.S. Marine Corps)
Ashley Schaad (ICF International)
Ashleigh Davis (ICF International)
Amy Falcone (ICF International)
Improving Government Websites and Surveys with Usability Testing: A Comparison of Methodologies (4.8 MB)
Jennifer Romano Bergstrom (Fors Marsh Group, LLC)
Jonathan Strohl (Fors Marsh Group, LLC)
Evaluating Race and Hispanic Origin in Administrative Records Relative to the 2010 Census (23.2 MB)
Sonya Rastogi (U.S. Census Bureau)
James Noon (U.S. Census Bureau)
Amy O'Hara (U.S. Census Bureau)
Ellen Zapata (U.S. Census Bureau)
2010 American Community Survey Match Study: Comparing Administrative Records and ACS Data (1.1 MB)
Adela Luque (U.S. Census Bureau)
Renuka Bhaskar (U.S. Census Bureau)
Coverage and Agreement of Administrative Records and 2010 ACS Demographic Data (23.0 MB)
Renuka Bhaskar (U.S. Census Bureau)
Adela Luque (U.S. Census Bureau)
James Noon (U.S. Census Bureau)
Sonya Rastogi (U.S. Census Bureau)
Medicaid Undercount in the American Community Survey (50.0 MB)
Kathleen Call (University of Minnesota - SHADAC)
Brett O'Hara (U.S. Census Bureau)
Joanna Turner (University of Minnesota - SHADAC)
Michel Boudreaux (University of Minnesota - SHADAC)
Brett Fried (University of Minnesota - SHADAC)
The Medicaid Undercount in the 2007-2009 Current Population Survey (2.3 MB)
James Noon (U.S. Census Bureau)
Leticia Fernandez (U.S. Census Bureau)
Sonya Rastogi (U.S. Census Bureau)
How Much Is Enough? Moving Toward Smart Stopping Rules for Data Collection (440.0 MB)
Wan-Ying Chang (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Lynn Milan (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Planning an Adaptive Design Treatment in 2020 Census Tests (27.0 MB)
Gina Walejko (U.S. Census Bureau)
Peter Miller (U.S. Census Bureau)
Gianna Dusch (U.S. Census Bureau)
Kevin Deardorff (U.S. Census Bureau)
Adaptive Curtailment of Survey Followup Based on Contact History Data (26.0 MB)
Eric Slud (U.S. Census Bureau)
Chandra Erdman (U.S. Census Bureau)
Using Substantive Variables and Paradata to Inform Responsive Design Models: Results From a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study
Ted Socha (National Center for Education Statistics)
Adaptive Design Strategies: Who Do You Target? And What Do You Do With Them? (40.0 MB)
Jaki McCarthy (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Kathy Ott (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Melissa Mitchell (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Sample Design and Analysis for Assessing Compliance Control Settings (8.3 MB)
Bhojnarine Rambharat (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)
Avinash Singh (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Md Shohel Reza Amin (Concordia University, Canada)
Alireza Zareie (McGill University, Canada)
Luis Amador-Jiménez (Concordia University, Canada)
Weight Smoothing With Laplace Prior and Its Application in GLM Model (36.0 MB)
Xi Xia (University of Michigan)
Michael Elliott (University of Michigan)
Fair Value Accounting and Measures of Corporate Profits in the U.S. National Accounts (44.1 MB)
Dylan Rassier (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Forecasting Retail Food Expenditures for American Households (9.0 MB)
Richard Volpe (Economic Research Service)
Annemarie Kuhns (Economic Research Service)
Timothy Park (Economic Research Service)
Supplemental Poverty Measure: A Comparison of Geographic Adjustments With Regional Price Parities vs. Median Rents from the American Community Survey
Trudi Renwick (U.S. Census Bureau)
Bettina Aten (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Troy Martin (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
New Firm Size JOLTS Data Provide Insight to the U.S. Labor Market (95.0 MB)
Charlotte Oslund (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Investigating Novel Approaches for State-Based Behavioral Risk Surveillance (40.0 MB)
Carol Gotway Crawford (Centers for Disease Control)
Catherine Okoro (Centers for Disease Control)
Satvinder Dhingra (Northrop Grumman)
William Riley (National Cancer Institute)
Bob Kaplan (National Institutes of Health)
David Cella (Northwestern University of Feinberg School of Medicine)
Catherine Okoro (Centers for Disease Control)
Satvinder Dhingra (Northrop Grumman and Centers for Disease Control)
Testing Ignorable Selection Across Multiple Domains: Economic, Politics, and Health
Stephen Ansolabehere (Harvard University)
Douglas Rivers (Stanford University and YouGov)
Correcting Coverage Deficiencies in Address-Based Frames: The Use of Enhanced Listing (440.0 MB)
Ned English (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Colm O'Muircheartaigh (Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago)
Katie Dekker (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Using an Area Linkage Method to Improve the Coverage of ABS Frames for In-Person Household Surveys (440.0 MB)
Sylvia Dohrmann (Westat)
Richard Sigman (Westat)
The CHUM: An Adaptation of the Half-Open Interval Procedure for Use with ABS Frames (32.0 MB)
Joe McMichael (RTI International)
Bonnie Shook-Sa (RTI International)
Jamie Ridenhour (RTI International)
Small Area Estimation: New Developments and Directions for Health and Human Services Data (17.0 MB)
John Czajka (Mathematica Policy Research)
Amang Sukasih (Mathematica Policy Research)
Susan Queen (Department of Health and Human Services)
Sarra Hedden (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Joseph Gfroerer (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Jonaki Bose (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Phillip Kott (RTI International)
Dan Liao (RTI International)
Lisa Colpe (The National Institute of Mental Health)
Small Area Modeling of County Estimates for Corn and Soybean Yields in the U.S. (4.0 MB)
Matthew Williams (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Robert Baskin (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Pamela Owens (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Christopher Sroka (Battelle)
Issues in Coding Hospital Intensive Care for Data Analysis (3.6 MB)
Adeline Wilcox (Department of Veterans Affairs)
Statistical Analysis of Text in Survey Records (4.2 MB)
Wendy Martinez (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Alex Measure (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Evaluation of a New Edit Methodology for the Common Core of Data Nonfiscal Surveys (3.9 MB)
Elizabeth Goldberg (U.S. Census Bureau)
Robert Stillwell (National Center for Education Statistics)
Jeffrey Little (U.S. Census Bureau)
Banff Automated Edit and Imputation Applied to the U.S. Hog Inventory Survey (2.0 MB)
James Johanson (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Boosting Algorithms for Edit and Imputation of Multiple-response Variables (5.3 MB)
Ping Li (Cornell University)
John Abowd (Cornell University)
An Analysis of the Mixed Collection Modes for Business Surveys at the U.S. Census Bureau (6.0 MB)
Broderick Oliver (U.S. Census Bureau)
Katherine Jenny Thompson (U.S. Census Bureau)
The Golden Double Standard: Accounting for Social Desirabilty in Cross-Modal Comparisons (4.5 MB)
Victor Lange (Marketing, Inc.)
Steven Gittelman (Marketing, Inc.)
Elaine Trimarchi (Marketing, Inc.)
Mode Selection and Recruitment Strategies for Survey Respondents with Disabilities (5.2 MB)
Ashley Schaad (ICF International)
Amy Falcone (ICF International)
Jessica Jagger (U.S. Marine Corps)
Ashleigh Davis (ICF International)
Great Expectations: Changing Mode of Survey Data Collection in Military Populations (4.1 MB)
Ronald Szoc (ICF International)
Jacqueline Pflieger (ICF International)
Frances Barlas (ICF International)
Randall Thomas (GfK Custom Research, LLC)
Investigation of Variance Estimators for the Survey of Business Owners (SBO) (3.4 MB)
Marilyn Balogh (U.S. Census Bureau)
Sandy Peterson (U.S. Census Bureau)
Inference of Domain Parameters by Using a Dynamic Jackknife Variance Estimator (6.2 MB)
Sixia Chen (Westat)
Tom Krenzke (Westat)
Michael Beaghen (U.S. Census Bureau)
Bonnie Shook-Sa (RTI International)
Lance Couzens (RTI International)
Rick Williams (RTI International)
Marcus Berzofsky (RTI International)
Analysis of Housing Square Footage Estimates Reported by the AHS and SOC (4.2 MB)
Angela Delano (U.S. Census Bureau)
Arthur Cresce Jr. (U.S. Census Bureau)
Yang Cheng (U.S. Census Bureau)
Andrew Zbikowski (U.S. Census Bureau)
Christopher Grieves (U.S. Census Bureau)
Joe Gfroerer (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Jonaki Bose (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Deborah Trunzo (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Alex Strashny (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Kathy Batts (RTI International)
Michael Pemberton (RTI International)
A Comparison of Consumer Expenditure Surveys (5.1 MB)
Nhien To (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Brett McBride (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Metadata Standards and Technology Development for the NSF Survey of Earned Doctorates (15.8 MB)
Kimberly Noonan (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Pascal Heus (Metadata Technology North America)
Tim Mulcahy (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Using Paradata to Model Nonresponse in the Current Population Survey (2.8 MB)
John Dixon (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Using Paradata to Understand Business Survey Reporting Patterns (6.2 MB)
Eric Fink (U.S. Census Bureau)
Joanna Fane Lineback (U.S. Census Bureau)
What Can Paradata Tell Us About Business Reporting in the 2012 Economic Census? (7.3 MB)
Elizabeth Hoeffel (U.S. Census Bureau)
Gianna Dusch (U.S. Census Bureau)
Joanna Fane Lineback (U.S. Census Bureau)
A Demonstration Occupational Employment Statistics' Web-Based Chart and Map Visualization Tools (6.4 MB)
Tanner Beam (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Visualizing Historical Agricultural Data: The Current State of the Art (4.3 MB)
Irwin Anolik (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Hurricane Category Establishment Identification Project (HCat) (14.0 MB)
Peter Smith (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Map Matching and Real World Integrated Sensor Data Warehousing (41.0 MB)
Evan Burton (National Renewable Energy Lab)
Jeff Gonder (National Renewable Energy Lab)
Adam Duran (National Renewable Energy Lab)
Eric Wood (National Renewable Energy Lab)
Evaluation Study of Calibration Estimation for the Survey of Local Government Finance (3.0 MB)
Elizabeth Love (U.S. Census Bureau)
Bac Tran (U.S. Census Bureau)
Calibration Methods in the Quarterly Summary of State and Local Tax Revenue (25 MB)
Justin Nguyen (U.S. Census Bureau)
Bac Tran (U.S. Census Bureau)
Performance of Generalized Regression Estimator and Raking Estimator in the Presence of Nonresponse (7.0 MB)
Daifeng Han (Westat and University of Maryland College Park)
Richard Valliant (University of Maryland)
Jill Montaquila (Westat)
Keith Rust (Westat)
J. David Brown (U.S. Census Bureau)
Adela Luque (U.S. Census Bureau)
Amy O'Hara (U.S. Census Bureau)
Social Security Income Measurement in Two Surveys (3.4 MB)
Howard Iams (Social Security Administration)
Patrick Purcell (Social Security Administration)
Changes in EITC Eligibility and Participation, 2005-2009 (77.0MB)
Maggie Jones (U.S. Census Bureau)
Benjamin Harris (U.S. Census Bureau)
Erik Scherpf (Economic Research Service)
Constance Newman (Economic Research Service)
Graton Gathright (U.S. Census Bureau)
A Disclosure Avoidance Research Agenda (3.6 MB)
Paul Massell (U.S. Census Bureau)
Evaluating Noise Infusion for Disclosure Protection for Two Time Periods (4.0 MB)
Jared Martin (U.S. Census Bureau)
Is an On-Line Microdata Tool That Uses American Community Survey Transportation Data Feasible? (43.0 MB)
Tom Krenzke (Westat)
Penelope Weinberger (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)
Jianzhu Li (Westat)
Elaine Murakami (Federal Highway Administration)
The Census Bureau's New Cell Suppression System (43.0 MB)
Philip Steel (U.S. Census Bureau)
Managing Confidentiality and Provenance Across Mixed Private and Publicly-Accessed Data and Metadata (232.0 MB)
Carl Lagoze (University of Michigan)
William Block (Cornell Institute of Social and Economic Research)
Jeremy Williams (Cornell Institute of Social and Economic Research)
John Abowd (Cornell University)
Lars Vilhuber (Cornell University)
The Quality Assurance Reviews at Statistics Canada (16.4 MB)
Laurie Reedman (Statistics Canada)
Claude Julien (Statistics Canada)
Andrea Johnson (U.S. Census Bureau)
Sandy Dyer (U.S. Census Bureau)
Michael Ratcliffe (U.S. Census Bureau)
Jonathan Krentel (Gunnison Consulting Group, Inc.)
Brandon Kopp (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Roger Tourangeau (Westat)
Lucilla Tan (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Scott Fricker (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
A Model for Matching Error for Triple System Estimation (440.0 MB)
Richard Griffin (U.S. Census Bureau)
Effects of Poststratification and Raking Adjustments on Precision of MEPS Estimates (440.0 MB)
Sadeq Chowdhury (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Model-Assisted Domain Estimation (54.0 MB)
Dan Liao (RTI International)
Phillip Kott (RTI International)
Variance Estimation for Calibration to Estimated Totals (440.0 MB)
Siyu Qing (The George Washington University)
Michael Larsen (The George Washington University)
Impact of Influential Observations on Enumeration and Variance Estimation in the National Crime Victimization Survey (173.4.0 MB)
Michael Planty (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Lynn Langton (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Mark Leach (U.S. Census Bureau)
Sidney Carl Turner (Fors Marsh Group, LLC)
Joseph Luchman (Fors Marsh Group, LLC)
Andrew Therriault (Lightbox Analytics)
Brian Griepentrog (Fors Marsh Group, LLC)
Kinsey Gimbel (Fors Marsh Group, LLC)
Fritz Scheuren (University of Chicago)
Ali Mushtaq (Consultant)
Paul Drugan (Federal Voting Assistance Program)
Effects of the Eurozone Economy on Economic Indicators (80.3 MB)
Tracey Kyckelhahn (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Wendy Li (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Benchmarking Monthly Indicator Series with Quarterly Information Derived From Administrative Data (47.0 MB)
Pieter Vlag (Statistics Netherlands)
Testing Contact and Response Strategies to Improve Response in the 2012 Economic Census (150.0 MB)
Erica Marquette (U.S. Census Bureau)
Michael Kornbau (U.S. Census Bureau)
Use of Smart Phones/Text Messaging to Increase Response Rates (16.2 MB)
Piper DuBray (ICF International)
Naomi Freedner (ICF International)
Kisha Bailly (ICF International)
Kristie Healey (ICF International)
Sarah Hastedt Carroll (National Center for Education Statistics)
Andrew Zukerberg (National Center for Education Statistics)
Time Use, Response Rates, and Data Quality by Time of Day (40.0 MB)
Rose Woods (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Laura Wronski (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Charles DiSogra (Abt SRBI)
David Finkelhor (University of New Hampshire)
Heather Hammer (Abt SRBI)
Stas Kolenikov (Abt SRBI)
Heather Turner (University of New Hampshire)
Adaptive Adjustment of the Multicriteria Optimal Allocation of a Hard to Reach Population Survey
Benjamin Phillips (Abt SRBI)
Stas Kolenikov (Abt SRBI)
Laura Bechtel (U.S. Census Bureau)
Katherine Jenny Thompson (U.S. Census Bureau)
Daniel Whitehead (U.S. Census Bureau)
Stephen Kaputa (U.S. Census Bureau)
Katherine Jenny Thompson (U.S. Census Bureau)
Assessment of Quality, Cost and Risk Factors in Statistical Work with Administrative Record Data: A Review
John Eltinge (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Alisha Creel (ICF International)
Ronald Szoc (ICF International)
Administrative Data Initiatives at Statistics Canada (16.1 MB)
Julie Trépanier (Statistics Canada)
Jean Pignal (Statistics Canada)
Don Royce (Statistics Canada)
Olivia Carrillo-Gamboa (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico)
Rosa Isela Hernández-Zamora (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico)
Jesús Cantú-Escalante (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico)
The Use of Signal Filtering for Hog Inventory Estimation ((302.2 MB)
Stephen Busselberg (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Depicting Time-Dependent Changes in Environmental Data for Prospective Uses in Personalized Medicine (6.4 MB)
Turkan Gardenier (Pragmatica Corp)
Prediction Performance of Single Index Principal Fitted Component Models (28.0 MB)
Jia-Ern Pai (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
Kofi Placid Adragni (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
An Alternative Estimation Method for the Current Population Survey (27.0 MB)
Daniel Bonnéry (University of Maryland, College Park, and U.S. Census Bureau)
Partha Lahiri (University of Maryland, College Park)
Yang Cheng (U.S. Census Bureau)
Variation in Quality by Hospital Characteristics: True or False? (111.4 MB)
Eric Schone (Mathematica Policy Research)
Alex Bohl (Mathematica Policy Research)
David Jones (Mathematica Policy Research)
Dmitriy Poznyak (Mathematica Policy Research)
Jessica Ross (Mathematica Policy Research)
Samantha Stalley (Mathematica Policy Research)
Frank Yoon (Mathematica Policy Research)
Joe Zickafoose (Mathematica Policy Research)
The Role of Hospital Characteristics in Setting Appropriate Yardsticks for Quality Measurement (9.3 MB)
Frank Yoon (Mathematica Policy Research)
Alex Bohl (Mathematica Policy Research)
David Jones (Mathematica Policy Research)
Dmitriy Poznyak (Mathematica Policy Research)
Jessica Ross (Mathematica Policy Research)
Eric Schone (Mathematica Policy Research)
Samantha Stalley (Mathematica Policy Research)
Joe Zickafoose (Mathematica Policy Research)
Hospital Peer Groups, Reliability, and Stabilization: Shrinking to the Right Mean (88.0 MB)
Alex Bohl (Mathematica Policy Research)
David Jones (Mathematica Policy Research)
Dmitriy Poznyak (Mathematica Policy Research)
Jessica Ross (Mathematica Policy Research)
Eric Schone (Mathematica Policy Research)
Samantha Stalley (Mathematica Policy Research)
Frank Yoon (Mathematica Policy Research)
Joe Zickafoose (Mathematica Policy Research)
The Consumer Expenditure Survey's New Design and Implementation Plans (9.2 MB)
Laura Paszkiewicz (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Brett McBride (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Dawn Nelson (U.S. Census Bureau)
Adam Safir (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Race and Ethnicity Measurement: Effects of Response Format (47.0 MB)
Randall Thomas (GfK Custom Research, LLC)
Frances Barlas (ICF International)
Wendy Gross (GfK Custom Research, LLC)
Alisú Schoua-Glusberg (Research Support Services)
Ana Villar (City University, United Kingdom)
Jonaki Bose (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Dicy Painter (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Doug Currivan (RTI International)
Larry Kroutil (RTI International)
Kevin Wang (RTI International)
Crowdsourcing in the Cognitive Interviewing Process (440.0 MB)
Joe Murphy (RTI International)
Michael Keating (RTI International)
Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Case Study Comparing Data Collected via Crowdsourcing vs. Trained Data Collectors (37.0 MB)
Annice Kim (RTI International)
Allie Lieberman (RTI International)
Daniel Dench (RTI International)
The Census Bureau Mail Return Rate Challenge: Crowdsourcing to Develop a Hard to Count Score (51.3 MB)
Chandra Erdman (U.S. Census Bureau)
Nancy Bates (U.S. Census Bureau)
A Methodological Framework for Crowdsourcing in Research (58.0 MB)
Michael Keating (RTI International)
Robert Furberg (RTI International)
Emily Isenberg (U.S. Census Bureau)
Liana Christin Landivar (U.S. Census Bureau)
Esther Mezey (Axioma, Inc.)
The National Household Survey: Evaluating Data Quality in a Large Voluntary Survey (219.0 MB)
Sander Post (Statistics Canada)
Enhancing the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Through Data Linkages (150.0 MB)
Lisa Mirel (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Steven Machlin (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Ryne Paulose (National Center for Health Statistics)
Hannah Day (National Center for Health Statistics)
Steven Frenk (National Center for Health Statistics)
David Hornick (U.S. Census Bureau)
Non-response Bias in the March 2013 Content Test (33.0 MB)
Matthew Brault (U.S. Census Bureau)
Evaluating the Income and Health Insurance Questions 2013 CPS ASEC Content Test Using Timer Data (65.0 MB)
Aaron Cantu (U.S. Census Bureau)
Adam Bee (U.S. Census Bureau)
Evaluating the 2013 CPS ASEC Income Redesign Content Test (490.0 MB)
Jessica Semega (U.S. Census Bureau)
Health Insurance in the Current Population Survey: Redesign and Production (7.6 MB)
Carla Medalia (U.S. Census Bureau)
Amy Steinweg (U.S. Census Bureau)
Brett O'Hara (U.S. Census Bureau)
David Lee (U.S. Census Bureau)
Jessica Smith (U.S. Census Bureau)
Joanne Pascale (U.S. Census Bureau)
Jonathan Rodean (U.S. Census Bureau)
Sample Design Considerations for the Occupational Requirements Survey (400.0 MB)
Brad Rhein (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Chester Ponikowski (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Erin McNulty (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Exploratory Research on the Use of Google Earth to Create a Sampling Frame of Buildings (240.0 MB)
Katie Lewis (Energy Information Administration)
Surveying Community Stakeholders: Exploring the Viability of a National Sampling Frame (5.3 MB)
Barbara Robles (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)
Redesigning National School Surveys: Coverage and Stratification Improvement Using Multiple Datasets (11.4 MB)
William Robb (ICF International)
Kate Flint (ICF International)
Ronaldo Iachan (ICF International)
Bring Your Own Device and the 2020 Census Research and Testing (34.3 MB)
Keith Evan Moffett (U.S. Census Bureau)
Jay Occhiogrosso (U.S. Census Bureau)
Scott Williams (U.S. Census Bureau)
Ryan King (U.S. Census Bureau)
Field Data Collection in Area Frame Surveys Utilizing iPads® - USDA's June Area Survey (200.0 MB)
Michael Gerling (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Eric Wilson (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Linda Lawson (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Alan Dotts (Iowa State University)
Andrew Vardeman (Iowa State University)
The iPad® Computer-Assisted Personal Interview System - A Revolution for In-Person Data Capture? (45.0 MB)
Heather Driscoll (ICF International)
James Dayton (ICF International)
James Dayton (ICF International)
Andrew Dyer (ICF International)
Simultaneous Edit-imputation for Continuous Microdata (80.0 MB)
Hang Joon Kim (Duke University and National Institute of Statistical Science)
Jerome Reiter (Duke University)
Alan Karr (National Institute of Statistical Science)
Larry Cox (National Institute of Statistical Science)
Simultaneous Edit-imputation for Categorical Microdata (37.0 MB)
Daniel Manrique-Vallier (Indiana University)
Jerome Reiter (Duke University)
Statistical Disclosure Limitation and Edit-imputation (24.0 MB)
Alan Karr (National Institute of Statistical Science)
Hang Joon Kim (Duke University and National Institute of Statistical Science)
Jerome Reiter (Duke University)
Larry Cox (National Institute of Statistical Science)
Optimal Cutoff Sampling for the Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll (45.2 MB)
Brian Dumbacher (U.S. Census Bureau)
Carma Hogue (U.S. Census Bureau)
Numerical Impact of a Simple Random Subsample on Consumer Spending for Children (28.3 MB)
Daniel Yang (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Jeffrey Gonzalez (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Effects of Rotation Group Bias on Estimation of Smoking Prevalence (76.0 MB)
Younghwan Song (Union College)
The Impact of Cellphone Sample Representation on Variance Estimates in a Dual-Frame Telephone Survey (51.4 MB)
A. Elizabeth Ormson (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Kennon Copeland (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Stephen Blumberg (National Center for Health Statistics)
Nadarajasundaram Ganesh (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Reducing Nonsampling Error in the Census Coverage Measurement
Tamara Adams (U.S. Census Bureau)
Magdalena Ramos (U.S. Census Bureau)
Gia Donnalley (U.S. Census Bureau)
Accounting for Missing Data in the Census Coverage Measurement Survey (32.2 MB)
Vincent Thomas Mule Jr. (U.S. Census Bureau)
Scott Konicki (U.S. Census Bureau)
Unresolved Matched Records in Capture-Recapture Methodology (59.0 MB)
Andrea Lamas (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Linda Young (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Denise Abreu (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Shu Wang (University of Florida)
Daniel Adrian (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Incorporating Misclassification into Capture-Recapture Methodology in the 2012 Census of Agriculture (40.0 MB)
Daniel Adrian (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Linda Young (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Denise Abreu (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Shu Wang (University of Florida)
Andrea Lamas (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Analytic Challenges with National Survey Data Linked to a State-Level Cancer Registry (43.3 MB)
Eric Miller (National Center for Health Statistics)
Dean Judson (National Center for Health Statistics)
Yulei He (National Center for Health Statistics)
Jennifer Parker (National Center for Health Statistics)
Hannah Day (National Center for Health Statistics)
Clean-up and Statistical Analysis of Sets of National Files (46.0 MB)
William Winkler (U.S. Census Bureau) References File
Dean Judson (National Center for Health Statistics)
Eric Miller (National Center for Health Statistics)
Jennifer Parker (National Center for Health Statistics)
Hannah Day (National Center for Health Statistics)
On Checking Whether Response is Ignorable or Not (32.0 MB)
Michail Sverchkov (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Frances Chevarley (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Karen Davis (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
The Impact of Efforts to Increase Response Rates on Survey Estimates (4.2 MB)
Karen Wessels (ICF International)
Frances Barlas (ICF International)
Changing the Way We Look at Survey Nonresponse (54.0 MB)
Deborah Griffin (U.S. Census Bureau)
Dawn Nelson (U.S. Census Bureau)
A New Source of Local Health Data: Facebook Likes (60.0 MB)
Steven Gittelman (Marketing, Inc.)
Elaine Trimarchi (Marketing, Inc.)
A New Online Sample Frame Concept: Passive Data Collection (47.0 MB)
Elaine Trimarchi (Marketing, Inc.)
Steven Gittelman (Marketing, Inc.)
Philip Garland (Survey Monkey)
The Use of Non-Probability Samples to Characterize Rare Conditions (8.3 MB)
John Boyle (ICF International)
Eric Hedberg (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Larry Hedges (Northwestern University)
Qingshu Xie (MacroSys, LLC)
Statistical Tests of Agreement (210.2 MB)
Elizabeth Stanwyck (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Bimal Sinha (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Barry Nussbaum (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Measuring Health and Healthcare Disparities (90.0 MB)
James Scanlan (James P. Scanlan, Attorney at Law)