Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 2020 Research and Policy Conference
Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 2020 Research and Policy Conference
FCSM Fall 2020 Program (click to download)
September 21, 2020
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Keynote Speech:
Using Federal Data to Evaluate and Inform:
A Case Study on Increasing Upward Mobility in the U.S.
Keynote Speaker: John Friedman (Brown University)
SESSION AM1-1: The Evidence Act 101
10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Organizers: Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Keenan Dworak-Fisher (Office of Management and Budget)
Moderator: Katharine Abraham (University of Maryland) Foundations for Evidence- Based Policymaking Act
- Diana Epstein (Office of Management and Budget) Evidence-Building Plans and Activities: Evidence Act Title I
- Sharon Boivin (Department of Education) Title II—Open Government Data Act
- Monique Eleby (U.S. Census Bureau) The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018
Discussant: Emilda Rivers (Statistical Official, National Science Foundation and Director of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics) What does the Evidence Act mean to Federal Statistical Agencies?
SESSION AM1-2: Data Ethics Frameworks
10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Organizer and Session Chair: Jessica Graber (National Center for Health Statistics)
Ethical Considerations for Data Access and Use
Amy O’Hara (Georgetown University)
Policy and Technology: Ensuring Ethics in the Submission and Access of Biomedical Research Data
Dina N. Paltoo (National Institutes of Health)
Ethical Issues in the Development of Complex Machine Learning Algorithms
Sara R. Jordan (Policy Counsel, Artificial Intelligence, Future of Privacy Forum)
Ethical Principles for the All Data Revolution – Repurposing Administrative and Opportunity Data
Stephanie S. Shipp, Sallie Keller, and Aaron Schroeder (University of Virginia)
SESSION AM1-3: Nonresponse Bias in Federal Surveys
Gaps in Knowledge and Future Opportunities
10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Organizer and Moderator: Tala Fakhouri (National Center for Health Statistics)
Constructing an Inventory of Non-response Bias Studies in Federal Surveys
Peter Miller (Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University and U.S. Census Bureau, Retired)
Developing and Assessing Weighting Methods for the Redesigned National health Interview Survey
James Dahlhamer (National Center for Health Statistics)
Finding the Right Auxiliary Information for Non-response Adjustment Models: In Search of Zs with Desirable Properties
Andy Peytchev (RTI International)
Estimating Survey Non-Response Bias Using Tax Records
Bruce Meyer (University of Chicago, NBER, AEI, and U.S. Census Bureau)
SESSION PM1-1: Implementing the Evidence Act:
The Journey thus Far and the Road Ahead!
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Joe Parsons (National Agricultural Statistics Service
Moderator: Hubert Hamer (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
- Ted Kaouk (Chief Data Officer, U.S. Department of Agriculture)
- William W. Beach (Statistical Officer,U.S. Department of Labor and Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- Kelly Bidwell (Evaluation Officer and Statistical Official, General Services Administration)
- Samuel C. “Chris” Haffer (Chief Data Officer, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
SESSION PM1-2: Leveraging Administrative Data
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Organizer and Session Chair: Erik Scherpf (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Using Administrative Records Data to Produce Business Statistics: The Nonemployer Statistics by Demographics Series (NES-D)
James Noon and Adela Luque (U.S. CensusBureau)
Blending Administrative Data with a Probability Sample of Nonparticipants to Produce National Estimates: The NCS-X NIBRS Estimation Project
Marcus Berzofsky, Dan Liao (RTI International) and Alexia Cooper (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Analyzing Research and Development Trends Using Administrative Data
Kathryn Linehan, Eric Oh, Joel Thurston, Stephanie Shipp, Sallie Keller (University of Virginia, Biocomplexity Institute, Social and Decision Analytics Division)
John Jankowski, Audrey Kindlon (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Integrating Survey and Administrative Data Across Sources and Across Agencies to Create Statistical Products: A Case Study from Education
Sarah Grady (National Center for Education Statistics) and Emily Isenberg (American Institutes for Research)
An Approach to Tiered Access in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Michael Schwaber (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
SESSION PM1-3: Leveraging Official Statistical Programs to Address Emerging Issues:
Providing Information Relevant to the Coronavirus Pandemic
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Jaki McCarthy (National Agricultural Statistics Service) and Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Session Chair: Jaki McCarthy (National Agricultural Statistics Service) Leveraging Official Statistical Programs to Address Emerging Issues
Adding COVID-19 Questions to the CPS
Emy Sok and Karen Kosanovich (Bureau of Labor Statistics) & Tim Marshall (U.S. Census Bureau)
Near Real-Time Surveillance of COVID-19 Mortality using Data from the National Vital Statistics System
Paul Sutton and Lauren Rossen (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
The IRS Office of Research, Applied Analytics and Statistics used Innovative Nimble Approaches to Support Decision Making and Evaluation Related to the Corona Virus Pandemics
Holly Donnelly (Internal Revenue Service)
Expanding the Use of NCHS’ Research and Development Survey to Quantify Health Characteristics During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Paul Scanlon and Katherine Irimata (National Center for Health Statistics)
New Data for New Purposes
Rolf Schmitt (Bureau of Transportation Statistics)
Discussant: Chris Marokov (Office of Management and Budget) Adaptability & Modernization
SESSION PM2-1: Using Data in New Ways: Leveraging the Evidence Act to Coordinate Evaluation, Statistics and Policy
3:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Erica Zielewski (Office of Management and Budget)
Session Chair: Erica Zielewski (Office of Management and Budget)
Framing the Evidence Act’s Vision for Coordination and Collaboration
Erica Zielewski (Office of Management and Budget)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Experience Supporting and Enhancing its Data Infrastructure and Use
Calvin Johnson (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Linking State Medicaid Data and Child Welfare Data for Outcomes Research (ASPE and ACF/HHS)
Valeria Butler (Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families)
Department of Labor’s Data Exchange and Analysis Platform (DAEP)
Christina Yancey (Chief Evaluation Officer, Department of Labor), David Judkins (Abt Associates) and Scott Gibbons (Department of Labor)
SESSION PM2-3: Communicating Fitness for Use
3:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Organizer and Moderator: Jennifer Parker (National Center for Health Statistics)
- Amy Branum (National Center for Health Statistics) What is NCHS doing to get “fit”?
- Marilyn Seastrom (National Center for Education Statistics) Communicating Meaningful Results: One Statistical Agency’s Explorations
- Regina Nuzzo (American Statistical Association) ASA Statement on Statistical Significance & PValues1: A look back
- Robert Sivinski (U.S. Office of Management and Budget) Evaluating Fitness for Use
- Samantha Tyner (Bureau of Labor Statistics) Visual Complements to p-values