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Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 2018 Research and Policy Conference


Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 2018 Research and Policy Conference

Advances in Web Scraping for Federal Statistics

Web-scraping & Similar Tools to Capture Information for BLS Uses | (PDF)

SABLE: Tools for Web Crawling, Web Scraping, and Text Classification | (PDF)

Evaluating the Use of Web-Scraped List Frames to Assess Undercoverage in Surveys

Seizing Opportunities and Preserving Principles | (PDF)

Museum Frame Development – A Universe is Comprised of Many Worlds

Does Survey Response Change Respondent Behavior?

Speeders and Sloths: The Effects of Respondent Timing on Web Survey Data Quality

Response Burden and Bias in the First National Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS-1): An Empirical Analysis Based on Respondent Feedback Survey | (PDF)

Changes in Interview Length over a Data Collection Period: Interviewer Learning or Shifting Respondent Characteristics?

Smart Math Saves Time and Improves Communication | (PDF)

Joanne Hsu (Federal Reserve Board)

Evaluating Wealth Data in the Redesigned 2014 Survey of Income and Program Participation | (PDF)

Discussant: Howard Iams (Social Security Administration)
A-3_Discussant.pdf | (PDF)

CONCURRENT SESSION A-4 Non-Probability Sampling and Estimation

Benchmark Assessment of Respondent Driven Sampling Data for Foreign-Born Korean Americans | (PDF)

Comparing Alternatives for Estimation from Nonprobability Samples

Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples to Form Efficient Hybrid Estimates | (PDF)

Discussant: Courtney Kennedy (Pew Research Center)
A-4KennedyDISCUSSION WEDSession A-4_1000-1145am.pdf | (PDF)

CONCURRENT SESSION A-5 Transparent Quality Reporting ifn the Integration of Multiple Data Sources

Session Chair Introduction | (PDF)

Overview of Transparent Quality Reporting | (PDF)

Quality of Input Data | (PDF)

Quality of Data Processing | (PDF)

Quality of Output Statistical Products and Services | (PDF)

CONCURRENT SESSION B–1 Advances in Web Probing

An Automated Refusal Conversion Strategy for Web Surveys | (PDF)

Using Close-Ended Web Probes to Inform the Redesign of the National Health | (PDF)

The Roles of Typicality, Specificity, and Set Size in Providing Examples for Survey Questions: Evidence from an Online Study Using Self-Administered Comprehension Probes

Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Crowdsourcing Techniques for Cognitive Testing | (PDF)

Impact of Dependent Interviewing on Consistency of Answers in the American Housing Survey | (PDF)

CONCURRENT SESSION B-2 Topics in Editing and Imputation: Automated Systems, Machine Learning, Hot Deck, Response Propensities, and Edit Reduction

Innovative Approaches to Generating National and Regional Estimates of Crime and Arrest with Incomplete Data

Evaluating Hot Deck with Propensity Matching for the Advance Monthly Retail Trade Survey (MARTS) | (PDF)

Assessing the Automated Imputation of Missing and Erroneous Survey Data: A Simulation-Based Approach | (PDF)

Edit Reduction Research in the U.S. Census Bureau’s Economic Directorate | (PDF)

CONCURRENT SESSION B-3 Measuring and Imputing Incomes

Household Incomes in Tax Data: Using Addresses to Move from Tax Unit to Household Income Distributions | (PDF)

Calculating a Supplemental Poverty Measure in the Survey of Income and Program Participation

CONCURRENT SESSION B-4 Innovations in Sample Design

Sampling Design and Variance Estimation for the National Survey of WIC Participants, Wave 3

Implications of Repeated Sampling in a Crime Survey | (PDF)

Assessing How Well Students in Economics Experiments Model Decision-Making for Non-Student Populations | (PDF)

Using Social Media for a Probability Sample: Is It Possible? | (PDF)

Comparing Random and Nonrandom Samples Using Model-Implied Randomization

Vladislav Beresovsky (National Center for Health Statistics)

CONCURRENT SESSION C-1 Contact Strategies

Effect of Contact Strategy on Response Mode Selection

Adaptive Designs - Tailoring of Contact Materials to Increase Survey Participation

If We Boost It, Will They Come?: Evaluating Efforts to Promote Web Completion in a Multi-Mode National Establishment Survey

Reducing Collection Effort While Maintaining Data Quality in Business Surveys Comparing Random and Nonrandom Samples Using Model-Implied Randomization

CONCURRENT SESSION C-2 Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Text Analysis in Federal Statistics

Coding Verbatim Responses Using an Auto-coding Program Based on a Two-step Matching Process: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Emergency Department Data, 2015

Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms to Build a Predictive Model for Classification of Survey Write-in Responses

Using Machine Learning Techniques to Interpret Open-ended Responses in Web Surveys

CONCURRENT SESSION C-3 Supplemental Poverty Measures

Moving to the Median: The Case for Changing the Range of Expenditures Underlying SPM Thresholds

Controlling for Prices before Estimating SPM Thresholds and the Impact on SPM Poverty Statistics

Enhancing the Supplemental Poverty Measure to Estimate the Impact of Health Insurance Benefits on Poverty

Supplemental Poverty Measure: A Comparison of Geographic Adjustments with Regional Price Parities vs. Median Rents from the American Community Survey: An Update

CONCURRENT SESSION C-4 Small Area Estimation: Applications and Practical Demonstrations

Web-scraping & Benchmarking Options for Model-Based CountyLevel Estimation of Agricultural Cash Rental Rates

Small Area Estimation in the Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll (U.S. Census Bureau)

County-Level Estimates of Mortality and Natality Indicators from the National Vital Statistics Systema

Bayesian State-level Estimates of Diabetes Prevalence in the United States, 2006-2015

CONCURRENT SESSION C-5 New Methods to Evaluate Response Error

Measuring Systematic Income Misreporting Heterogeneity Using a Novel Dataset

Respondents' Reporting Accuracy of Social Security Benefits and its Implications in the Health and Retirement Study

Using Administrative Records to Evaluate Absolute and Relative Reporting Accuracy in Surveys

Understanding Differences in the Disability Prevalence Across Federal Surveys: Why the 2014 Survey of Income and Program Participation Stands Out

CONCURRENT SESSION D-1 Hierarchical Bayes Small Area Estimation for Domains Defined by Demography, Geography, or Industry

Small Domain Estimation Using Probability and Non-Probability Survey Data

On Increasing the Number of County-Level Crop Estimates

Small Area Estimation for Measures Related to Tobacco Use and Policies Using the Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey

Small Area Co-Modeling of Point Estimates and Their Variances for Domains in the Current Employment Statistics Survey

Yulei He (National Center for Health Statistics)


Organizer and Session Chair: Peter Miller (U.S. Census Bureau)

Lessons from Nonresponse Bias Studies Involving Federal Surveys

Nonresponse Bias Indicators and Adjustments Employed in Federal Surveys

Alternative Indicators of the Risk for Nonresponse Bias

Discussant: Roger Tourangeau (Westat)

CONCURRENT SESSION D-3 Novel Approaches to Using Federal and Local Data

Examining the Utility of Educational Administrative Records for Research and Improving Survey Operations: A Pilot Project at the U.S. Census Bureau

Leveraging Access to and Use of Department of Defense (DoD) Data: A Case Study of Unraveling Military Attrition Tohrough New Approaches to DoD Data Integration

Measuring Innovation in New Ways using Non-Traditional Data Sources

Interdisciplinary Insights for Investigating the Intersection of Race/Color and Social Outcomes among Diverse Hispanics Communities: Implications for Statistical Measurements and Analysis

The Role of Opioid Misuse in Child Welfare Caseloads

CONCURRENT SESSION D-4 Current Research for Improving Race and Ethnicity: Federal Data Maintenance; Collection; and Presentation

Research Examinations within the Federal Statistical System for Improving Federal Race/Ethnicity Data

Update on Race and Ethnicity Question Proposals for the 2020 Census

Potential Improvements for 2020 Census Race and Ethnicity Conversion and Bridging

Discussant: Lauren Musu-Gillette (National Center for Education Statistics)

CONCURRENT SESSION D-5 Advancing Disclosure Limitation Methods in Federal Data Releases

Towards Developing Synthetic Datasets for the Economic Census

Formal Privacy and Synthetic Data for the American Community Survey

An Integrated Approach to Providing Access to Confidential Data

Challenges and Experiences Adapting Differentially Private Mechanisms to the 2020 Census

CONCURRENT SESSION E-1 Cognitive Lab, Usability, and Survey Development Research

Evidence-based Standards and Guidelines for Mobile Survey Instrument Design

Usability Testing Methodology for the 2017 Economic Census Web Instrument

Defining Bullying: A Split-Ballot Experiment Across Three Federal Agencies

Health Insurance in the American Community Survey: Multiple Types of Coverage and Respondent Write-ins

Improving the Anchoring Vignette Methodology with Visual Vignettes

CONCURRENT SESSION E-2 Combating Nonresponse an Update from the Field

Comparing Response Rates Across Surveys

Stemming the Rising Tide of Nonresponse

Cleaning Out the Gutter: Identifying and Eliminating Deadwood from a Sampling Frame Using Trees


Pursuing Consent for Record Linkage in an Establishment Survey: Results from a National Survey

Assessing Consent Bias in Linkage Studies

Challenges to Informed Consent from Administrative Data Linkage and Secondary Usage

CONCURRENT SESSION E-4 Estimation Challenges in Complex Surveys

Incorporating the Finite Population Correction into the Variance Estimation of a National Business Survey

Finding an Estimator that Minimizes Revisions in a Monthly Indicator Survey

Effect of Nearest Neighbor Imputation on Variances Calculated by Fay’s Balanced Repeated Replication

Investigation of the NCHS Data Presentation Standards for Proportions: A Simulation Study

An Alternative Way of Estimating a Proportional- Odds Model with Complex Survey Data

CONCURRENT SESSION E-5 Concurrent Session E-5 Federal Statistics, Multiple Data Sources, and Privacy Protection: Next Steps

Session Chair: Andrew Zukerberg (National Center for Education Statistics) E-5 Federal Statistics, Multiple Data Sources

CONCURRENT SESSION F-1 Question Evaluation and Cognitive Interviewing

Cognitive Interviewing Methodology in 2018: Current Trends and Recent Challenges

Results of a Cognitive Interview Evaluation of the Revised Race Question, with Special Emphasis on the Newly Proposed Middle Eastern/North African Response Option

Training Cognitive Testing Interviewers in Different Settings and Languages

Survey Translation and the Place of Expert Review in the Question Evaluation Tool Kit: Development of Best Practices

Recently Resettled Refugees and their Experience with the Annual Survey of Refugees – Findings from Cognitive and In-Depth Interviews

CONCURRENT SESSION F-2 Conducting Randomized Experiments in Establishment Surveys

Conducting Experiments in Establishment Surveys: Obstacles and Opportunities

Obstacles in Planning Establishment Survey Experiments - Census of Agriculture Content Test and Agricultural Resource Management Survey

Using Email to Solicit Response in an Establishment Survey

Experimenting with Alternative Question Designs for “Other, Specify” Product Information in Establishment Surveys

CONCURRENT SESSION F-3 Extending Research through Access and Application of Federal Data

Researching the Psychology Workforce using Federal Statistics

Examining the Principles of Open Government

CONCURRENT SESSION F-4 Improvements in Data Collection Methodology

Cost Effective Mail Survey Design

Integration of Multiple Data Sources to Inform a Responsive Design

Optimal Sample Size Allocation to Mixed Modes: A Case Study Using the Residential Energy Consumption Survey

Design Issues for a Longitudinal Employer Health Insurance Survey to Facilitate Analysis of Policy Changes

CONCURRENT SESSION F-5 Next Steps in Advancing the Recommendations of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policy Making
CONCURRENT SESSION G-1 Challenges and Solutions to Collecting Information on Sexual Violence

Improving the Measurement of Sexual Victimization Among Children through a Redesign of the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence

Key Issues When Collecting and Publishing General Population Estimates of Rape and Sexual Assault

Collecting Data on Rape and Sexual Assault in an Institutional Setting

CONCURRENT SESSION G-2 Innovations in Measuring and Reducing Respondent Burden

Assessing Respondents’ Perceptions of Burden in the American Community Survey

Estimating Reporting Burden for Statistical Surveys

Exploring Sampling Techniques to Reduce Respondent Burden

Response Likelihood to an Establishment Survey with a Simple Questionnaire Following an Establishment Survey with a Complex Questionnaire

CONCURRENT SESSION G-3 Bayesian Methods for Surveys

Bayesian Estimation Under Informative Sampling with Unattenuated Dependence

Scalable Bayes Clustering for Outlier Detection Under Informative Sampling
Terrance Savitsky (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Some Exercises in Covariate Selection for a Bayesian Crop Yield Forecasting Model

Are We Under-Estimating Food Insecurity? Christian Gregory (Economic Research Service, USDA)

Discussant: Nathan B. Cruze (USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service)

CONCURRENT SESSION G-4 Combining Different Levels of Data Sources

Potential Uses of Individual-level Administrative Records Data in the 2012 Survey of Business Owners

Linking USGS Water Use Data to Detailed Industries for Environmental Input-Output Modeling of the U.S. Food System

Incorporating OSHA Administrative Records in the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses

Data Linkage with an Establishment Survey


Marrying Demand for Statistical Information with Disclosure Control: The Canadian Experience in Developing an Automated Dissemination Tool in an Open-Data World

Disclosure Control and Random Tabular Adjustment

A Note on Multiplicative Noise Perturbation for Privacy Protection


Linking a Retail Gasoline Price Survey with Commercial Data

Utility of Open Information Sources to Develop Estimates of Selected Crime and Justice Indicators: Measuring Arrest-Related Deaths

Evaluation of Vendor School and Teacher Lists for the 2015-16 National Teacher and Principal Survey

CONCURRENT SESSION H-2 Innovative Uses of R in Federal Agencies

FDA's Approach to R Shiny Standardized, Interactive Tools

R: Innovating at the Bureau of Labor Statistics


The Effect of the Conservation Reserve Program on Rural Economies: Deriving a Statistical Verdict from a Null Finding

State-Level Design-Based Estimates for National Surveys

Multivariate Small Area Estimation Under Informative Sampling and Nonresponse

Semiparametric Panel Data Models Using Neural Networks

Testing Significance Tests: A Simulation with Cliff’s Delta, t-tests, and Mann-Whitney U

CONCURRENT SESSION H-4 Administrative Records for Sampling Efficiency

Sampling with Administrative Records in the National Survey of Children's Health

The Use of Administrative Records and the American Community Survey to Study the Characteristics of Undercounted Young Children in the 2010 Census

Logistic Regression with Linked Data

A Method for Assigning Weight to Variable Matching in Record Linkage

Application of Jaro-Winkler String Comparator in Enhancing Veterans Administrative Records

CONCURRENT SESSION I-1 Re-Engineering and Modernizing the 2017 Economic Census

An Overview of the Improved 2017 Economic Census

Executing a Multi–Year Multi–Method Electronic Data Collection Re–engineering: Experiences from 2017 Economic Census Development

2017 Economic Census Contact Strategy: Using Data to Make Decisions

From Research to Implementation of Product Estimation in the 2017 Economic Census: Hard, Harder, and Hardest

Discussant: I-1Safir2018 FCSMEconomicSurveyDiscussionSafir(004).pdf

CONCURRENT SESSION I-2 Techniques to Enhance Criminal Justice and Immigration Statistics

Record Linkage of Bureau of Justice (BJS) Federal Criminal Case Processing Data

Record Linkage Application in DHS USCIS Person Centric System
Damian Kostiuk (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services)

Evaluation of Data Matching in Immigration Enforcement Outcome Tool

New Advances in Applications of Geospatial Technology

Mapping Geographic and Temporal Variations in Select Mortality and Natality Outcomes with R-INLA in Small Areas

Crossing Boundaries: A Case Study on Building Accessible Tools to Combine Public-Use Data

Evaluation of Two Different Interviewing Protocols to Test a Mobile Mapping Instrument for the June Area Survey

The Time Use Data-based Measures of the Wellbeing Effect of Community Development: An Evaluative Approach.

Sidestepping the Box: Designing a Supplemental Poverty Indicator for School Neighborhoods

Analyzing Nonresponse – New Research

Correlates of Nonresponse in the 2012 and 2014 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey

Subnational Geography and the Overseas U.S. Citizens Population

Investigation into Responses for the Occupational Requirements Survey

Understanding Their Apprehension: A Look into the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey

Discussant: John S. Dixon (Bureau Labor of Statistics)

Advances in Evaluating Labor Force Statistics

Creating State Specific Occupational Replacement Rates

Employment Transitions in Washington State – An Examination of Job Flows Among Persons Employed in Growing and Declining Industries, 2014-2015

Discussant: Michael Wolf (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Progress in Measuring Income Statistics

Measuring Trends in the Distribution of Annual Earnings

What Does Consumer Heterogeneity Mean for Measuring Changes in the Cost of Living?

Discussant: George Sheldon (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

CONCURRENT SESSION J-2 Forecasting Methods

An Assessment of Crime Forecasting Models

Jointly Predicting U.S. Recessions and Restaurant Downturns: Integrated Models using the ERS Food Expenditure Series

Clarifying the Confidence Levels of PPI and CPI Forecasts in the USDA’s Food Price Outlook

CONCURRENT SESSION J-3 Ensuring Data Quality and High Response Rates on Federally-Funded Establishment Data Collections

Ensuring Optimal Response Rates on Agency Data Collections Over Time

Reasons for Late Response and Nonresponse in Surveys of Government Agencies

Shifting Data Quality Follow-Up Methods for a Time-Series Collection of Local and State Agencies


Collecting Electronic Health Record Data for the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and the National Hospital Care Survey

National Health Interview Survey 2019 Content Redesign – Analytic Implications


Balancing Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Design Objectives for the Survey of Doctorate Recipients
