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Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 2022 Research and Policy Conference

Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 2022 Research and Policy Conference

FCSM 2022 Program (click to download)

October 25-27, 2022
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Washington, DC

Hosted By: Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics

Plenary Session 1
Tuesday, October 25
Organizer: Shelly Martinez, Office of Management and Budget

Welcoming Remarks
Shelly Martinez, Office of Management and Budget

Remarks from the Chief Statistician of the United States
Karin Orvis, Chief Statistician of the United States

The Role of Data Quality in a 21st Century Federal Statistical System
Rob Santos, U.S. Census Bureau

Robert Santos is the 26th director of the U.S. Census Bureau. Santos’ career spans more than 40 years in survey research, statistical design and analysis, and executive-level management. Santos served as the 2021 president of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and is an ASA Fellow and recipient of the ASA Founder’s Award in 2006. He was the 2014 president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and received the 2021 AAPOR Award for Exceptionally Distinguished Achievement. He earned a B.A. in mathematics from Trinity University in San Antonio and an M.A. in statistics from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Mr. Santos’s talk is entitled, “The Role of Data Quality in a 21st Century Federal Statistical System”.

Concurrent sessions A
Tuesday, October 25
10:00 - 11:45 AM

Session A-1. Economic Statistics at the Cutting Edge

Organizer: Kyle Hood, Bureau of Economic Analysis
chair: Kyle Hood, Bureau of Economic Analysis

Do Workers have a Firm Sense of Industry Codes? Comparing Worker and Employer Descriptions of Business Activity
Melissa Chow, U.S. Census Bureau
Martha Stinson, U.S. Census Bureau

Learning a Low-Dimensional Representation of Job History for Economic Adjustment
Keyon Vafa, Columbia University
David Blei, Columbia University
Susan Athey, Stanford University

Estimating Women’s Eligibility for WIC: Postpartum and Breastfeeding Women
Linden McBride, U.S. Census Bureau
Maria Perez-Patron, U.S. Census Bureau
Renuka Bhaskar, U.S. Census Bureau

Twenty-One Years of Adjustments for Quality Change in the U.S. Consumer Price Index
Brendan Williams, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Session A-2. Data Linkage, Privacy, and Modernization

Organizer: Janine McFadden, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
chair: Janine McFadden, Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Modernization of NCHS’ National Health Care Surveys to Meet Continually Evolving Data Needs for the 21st Century
Brian W. Ward, National Center for Health Statistics
Carol J. DeFrances, National Center for Health Statistics
Manisha Sengupta, National Center for Health Statistics

The NCHS Data Presentation Standards for Rates and Counts
Jennifer Parker, National Center for Health Statistics

Fulfilling Statistical Policies with Data Curation Practices
Leighton L Christiansen, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Jesse Long, Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Comparison of Poisson-gamma and Laplace Mechanisms for Differential Privacy
Harrison Quick, Drexel University

Session A-3. Statistical Innovation and Measuring the Innovative

Organizer: Ben Franco, Social Security Administration
chair: Ben Franco, Social Security Administration

The Census Bureau’s New Annual Total Business Demographics Program: A Hybrid-Data Approach
Adela Luque, U.S. Census Bureau
Aneta Erdie, U.S. Census Bureau

Are Some Innovation Self-Reports in the Annual Business Survey Biased? A Regression Discontinuity Test
Luyi Han, Pennsylvania State University
Zheng Tian, Pennsylvania State University
Timothy R. Wojan, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Stephan Goetz, Pennsylvania State University

Ownership Team Diversity and Innovation: Using Split Sample Design to Generate More Credible Findings
Timothy R. Wojan, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Modeling Approaches to Estimate Community Annoyance Due to Sonic Booms using Data from Repeated Surveys
Robyn Ferg, Westat
Jean Opsomer, Westat

The Power of Pandemic Nearcasting to Harness Bigdata and Nudge Evidence-Based Public Policymaking 2.0
Asaph Young Chun, Seoul National University and ISR Foundation
David Cho, ISR Foundation
KyuBin Moon, ISR Foundation
Benjamin YoungJin Tae, ISR Foundation

Session A-4. Best Practices for Monitoring and Evaluating the ARP, IIJA and Other Programs: Report of the Department of Commerce Data Governance Working Group

Organizer: Carla Medalia, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair: Ben Page, Department of Commerce

Framework for Enabling Program Evaluation in the Federal Government
Ron Jarmin, U.S. Census Bureau

Census Bureau's Data Linkage Infrastructure for Program Evaluation
Carla Medalia, U.S. Census Bureau

Data Requirements for Program Evaluation: Perspectives from an Implementing Bureau
Ryan Smith, Economic Development Administration

Oliver Wise, Department of Commerce

Session A-6. Sampling and Participation

Organizer: Jennifer Rhorer, National Agricultural Statistics Service
chair: Danny Yang, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Predicting Eligibility of a Very Rare Household Population to Improve Sample Design
Jamie Ridenhour, RTI International
Joseph McMichael, RTI International
Rob Andrews, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Hitting the Target?: The Use of Targeted Samples in Probability-based Samples
Randall K. Thomas, Ipsos Public Affairs
Frances M. Barlas, Ipsos Public Affairs
Megan A. Hendrich, Ipsos Public Affairs
Kathleen Santos, Ipsos Public Affairs

The Contrafactual Degrees of Freedom
Phillip S. Kott, RTI International

Predicting Future Panel Participation in AmeriSpeak panel
Stas Kolenikov, NORC at the University of Chicago
Ipek Bilgen, NORC at the University of Chicago
David Dutwin, NORC at the University of Chicago
Poulami Maitra, NORC at the University of Chicago

Is A Picture Worth a Thousand Words?: Impact of Infographics on Response Rates in a Federal Survey
Julia Merlin, National Center for Education Statistics
Allison Zotti, U.S. Census Bureau

Concurrent sessions B
Tuesday, October 25
1:15 - 3:00 PM

Session B-1. Assessing Quality in Non-Traditional Data Sources for National Statistics: Report from the Task Team on Big Data for the Sustainable Development Goals

Organizer: Jennifer Park, Committee on National Statistics, World Bank
chair: Maciej Truszczynski, Statistics Denmark

Assessing Quality in Non-Traditional Data Sources
Maciej Truszczynski, Statistics Denmark

Emissions and Ship Traffic
Dominik Rozkrut, Statistics Poland

Creation of a Composite Quality Indicator for Estimates Based on Administrative Data Using Clustering
Roxanne Gagnon, Statistics Canada

Nowcasting Global Poverty
Daniel Gerszon Mahler, World Bank

Melissa Chiu, Committee on National Statistics

Session B-2. Using Linked Data to Understand Mortality Patterns for Vulnerable Populations

Organizer: Sonya R. Porter, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Eric English, U.S. Census Bureau

Mortality in a Multi-State Cohort of Former State Prisoners, 2010-2015
Sonya R. Porter, U.S. Census Bureau
Leticia Fernandez, U.S. Census Bureau
Eric English, U.S. Census Bureau
Sharon Ennis, Department of Veteran Affairs
E. Ann Carson, Bureau of Justice Statistics

Age, Sex, and Racial/Ethnic Disparities and Temporal-Spatial Variation in Excess All-Cause Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Linked Administrative and Census Bureau Data
Thomas B. Foster, U.S. Census Bureau
Leticia Fernandez, U.S. Census Bureau
Sonya R. Porter, U.S. Census Bureau
Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej, U.S. Census Bureau

The Impacts of Rent Burden and Eviction on All-Cause Mortality in the United States
Nick Graetz, Princeton University
Emily Lemmerman, Princeton University
Carl Gershenson, Princeton University
Danielle H. Sandler, U.S. Census Bureau
Sonya R. Porter, U.S. Census Bureau
Matthew Desmond, Princeton University

Lauren Rossen, National Center for Health Statistics

Session B-3. Considerations and Advancements in Sampling

Organizer: Stephanie Coffey, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Stephanie Coffey, U.S. Census Bureau

Demographic Surveys Redesign Program: Evidence-based, Participatory Decision-making
Richard Levy, U.S. Census Bureau

Bayesian Stratified Sampling for Establishment Surveys with Uncertain Design Parameters
Jonathan Mendelson, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Michael Elliott, University of Michigan

Matrix Sampling in General Population Web Surveys
Z. Tuba Suzer-Gurtekin, University of Michigan
Zhen Sun, University of Michigan
Yuxuan Chen, University of Michigan
Xinran Wang, University of Michigan
James Wagner, University of Michigan
Joanne Hsu, University of Michigan

Session B-4. Pandemic and Related Fiscal Policies

Organizer: Derek Wu, University of Virginia
chair: William Gale, Brookings Institution

The Anti-Poverty, Targeting, and Labor Supply Effects of Replacing a Child Tax Credit with a Child Allowance
Bruce D. Meyer, University of Chicago
Kevin Corinth, University of Chicago
Matthew Stadnicki, University of Chicago
Derek Wu, University of Virginia

The Effects of the Child Tax Credit on Labor Supply
Kye Lippold, Department of Treasury

Unemployment Insurance in Survey and Administrative Data
Jeff Larrimore, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Jacob Mortenson, Joint Committee on Taxation
David Splinter, Joint Committee on Taxation

Putting the Paycheck Protection Program into Perspective: An Analysis Using Administrative and Survey Data
Michael Dalton, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Stan Veuger, American Enterprise Institute

Session B-5. Information Quality Standards and Processes

Organizer: Xuan Pham, Risk Management Agency
chair: Carrie Jones, Economic Research Service

Evolution of Methodology and Quality Measures Reports at USDA-NASS
Lindsay Drunasky, National Agricultural Statistics Service

USDA ERS: Data Product Quality Standards and Processes
Katherine Ralston, Economic Research Service

Transparency and Data Quality
Dan Gillman, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Julie Parker, Economic Research Service

Session B-6. Leveraging Probability Panels for Federally Sponsored Statistical Data Collections

Organizer: David Dutwin, NORC at the University of Chicago
chair: Edward Mulrow, NORC at the University of Chicago

Transparency in Documentation for Statistical Surveys using a Probability Panel
J. Michael Dennis, NORC at the University of Chicago
Jennifer Benz, NORC at the University of Chicago
Ed Mulrow, NORC at the University of Chicago

Case Study in the Use of a Probability Panel for Federally Sponsored Research
Paul Scanlon, National Center for Health Statistics

Strategies to Recruit and Represent Low Incidence Population Groups and Engender Sample Diversity in a Probability Panel
David Dutwin, NORC at the University of Chicago
Ipek Bilgen, NORC at the University of Chicago

The Importance of Nonresponse Follow-up in Probability Panels
Ipek Bilgen, NORC at the University of Chicago
J. Michael Dennis, NORC at the University of Chicago
David Dutwin, NORC at the University of Chicago
Josh Lerner, NORC at the University of Chicago

Concurrent sessions C
Tuesday, October 25
3:15 - 5:00 PM

Session C-1. Methods for Refining and Supplementing Food Security Statistics and Importance to Policy Research

Organizer: Alisha Coleman-Jensen, Economic Research Service
chair: Jeffrey M. Gonzalez, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Analysis of the September 2020 Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement Split Panel Test
Alisha Coleman-Jensen, Economic Research Service
Matthew P. Rabbitt, Economic Research Service

Predicting “Real-Time” Food Hardship with Retail Food Spending: A New Approach Linking Scanner Data and the Census Household Pulse Survey
Katie Fitzpatrick, University of Delaware
Kejda Llana, University of Delaware

Estimating Long-Run Trends in Food Security: A Structural Economic Approach
Matthew P. Rabbitt, Economic Research Service
M. Taylor Rhodes, Oregon State University

The Effect of Pandemic EBT on Measures of Food Hardship
Lauren Bauer, Brookings Institution
Krista Ruffini, Georgetown University
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, Northwestern University

Anna Vaudin, Food and Nutrition Service

Session C-2. Furthering Research through Data Linkages

Organizer: Ann Miller, Department of the Interior
chair: Ann Miller, Department of the Interior

Internal Migration in the U.S. During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thomas B. Foster, U.S. Census Bureau
Mark Ellis, University of Washington
Lee Fiorio, University of Washington

Race, Class, and Mobility in U. S. Marriage Markets
Caroline Walker, U.S. Census Bureau
Ariel Binder, U.S. Census Bureau
Marta Murray-Close, U.S. Census Bureau
Jonathan Eggleston, U.S. Census Bureau

Who gets married and who breaks up? Tracking Relationship Transitions After the Introduction of Legal Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S. Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data
Marta Murray-Close, U.S. Census Bureau
Brian Knop, U.S. Census Bureau

The Impact of Manufacturing Credentials on Earnings and the Probability of Employment
Maggie R. Jones, U.S. Census Bureau
Vanessa Brown, National Student Clearinghouse
Gardner Carrick, National Association of Manufacturers
Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej, U.S. Census Bureau
John Voorheis, U.S. Census Bureau
Caroline Walker, U.S. Census Bureau

Brian Knop, U.S. Census Bureau and Michaela Dillon, U.S. Census Bureau

Session C-3. Advances in Small Area Estimation

Organizer: Yang Cheng, National Agricultural Statistics Service
chair: Yang Cheng, National Agricultural Statistics Service

A Model-based Allocation Approach for Estimation of Adult Competency in Small Domains
Andreea Erciulescu, Westat
Weijia Ren, Westat
Jianzhu Li, Westat
Tom Krenzke, Westat
Leyla Mohadjer, Westat
Robert Fay, Westat

An Interactive Data Tool to Explore State and County Model-based Estimates of Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills
Tom Krenzke, Westat
Weijia Ren, Westat
Andreea Erciulescu, Westat
Leyla Mohadjer, Westat

Model-based Estimates for Farm Labor Quantities
Lu Chen, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Nathan B. Cruze, NASA Langley Research Center
Linda J. Young, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Small Area Beverage Price Indexes
Abigail Okrent, USDA
Chen Zhen, University of Georgia
Lan Mu, University of Georgia
Gauri Datta, University of Georgia

Developing a Data-Driven System for Identifying Vulnerable and Resilient Neighborhoods across the United States: Opportunities for Improvement through Small Area Estimation
Katherine Ann Willyard, U.S. Census Bureau
Gabriel Amaro, U.S. Census Bureau

Session C-4. Strengthening the Autonomy of the Federal Statistical Agencies

Organizer: Steve Pierson, American Statistical Association
chair: Edward Wu, American Statistical Association

Constance Citro, Committee on National Statistics
Ron Jarmin, U.S. Census Bureau
Nancy Potok, NAPx Consulting

Jonathan Auerbach, George Mason University

Session C-5. Advancements in Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Measurement

Organizer: Jennifer Ortman, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Jennifer Ortman, U.S. Census Bureau

Results of a Mixed-Method Study to Evaluate 2-Step Gender Identity Measures
Valerie Ryan, National Center for Health Statistics
Kristen Miller, National Center for Health Statistics
Stephanie Willson, National Center for Health Statistics

Asking Questions About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on the Experimental Household Pulse Survey: Evidence from Initial Evaluations
Thom File, U.S. Census Bureau
Zachary Scherer, U.S. Census Bureau

How do you Describe Yourself in the Workplace? Asking Teachers about their Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in a School Survey
Maura Spiegelman, National Center for Education Statistics
Allison Zotti, U.S. Census Bureau
Shawna Cox, U.S. Census Bureau

Assessing Open-Ended Self-Reports of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Is There Room For Improvement?
David Richards, National Center for Education Statistics
Elise Christopher, National Center for Education Statistics
Maura Spiegelman, National Center for Education Statistics

Session C-6. Lifting the Fog: Editing and Imputation

Organizer: Tiandong Li, Housing and Urban Development
chair: Tiandong Li, Housing and Urban Development

Banff and Simputation: A Comparison Using BEA’s Multinational Enterprise Surveys
Larkin Terrie, Bureau of Economic Analysis

Imputing Missing Ferry Boarding Counts for Estimating National Totals
Young-Jun Kweon, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Aubrey Nguyen, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Clara Reschovsky, Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Automating the Data Edit Process for the National Census of Ferry Operators
Aubrey Nguyen, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Young-Jun Kweon, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Clara Reschovsky, Bureau of Transportation Statistics

The Effects of Editing and Imputation on Measured Plant-level and Aggregate Productivity Growth in a Panel of U.S. Manufacturing Plants
Kirk White, U.S. Census Bureau
Hang Kim, University of Cincinnati
Martin Rotemberg, New York University

Scrubbed Clean: Does Data Cleaning Improve the Quality of Analytic Models?
Megan A. Hendrich, Ipsos Public Affairs
Randall K. Thomas, Ipsos Public Affairs
Frances M. Barlas, Ipsos Public Affairs

Plenary Session II
Wednesday, October 26
Organizer: Linda J. Young, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Building Representative Miniatures out of Non-representative Big Data: An Interplay of Data Quantity, Quality, and Privacy
Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University

Xiao-Li Meng is the Whipple V. N. Jones Professor of Statistics at Harvard University and the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Harvard Data Science Review. Meng was named the best statistician under the age of 40 by Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS) in 2001, and he is the recipient of numerous awards and honors for his more than 150 publications in at least a dozen theoretical and methodological areas, as well as in areas of pedagogy and professional development. In 2020, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Meng received his BS in mathematics from Fudan University in 1982 and his PhD in statistics from Harvard in 1990. He was on the faculty of the University of Chicago from 1991 to 2001 before returning to Harvard, where he served as the Chair of the Department of Statistics (2004–2012) and the Dean of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (2012–2017). Dr. Meng’s talk is entitled, “Building Representative Miniatures out of Non-representative Big Data: An Interplay of Data Quantity, Quality, and Privacy”.

Concurrent sessions D
Wednesday, October 26
10:00 – 11:45 AM

Session D-1. Advancing Efficiency and Accuracy with Data Science Techniques

Organizer: Ellen Galantucci, Federal Maritime Commission
chair: Ellen Galantucci, Federal Maritime Commission

Improving Efficiency in Non-Data-Collection Activities with Data Science Tools: The Case of Census's Count Question Resolution Operation
Nelson Chung, U.S. Census Bureau

Toward a Semi-automated Item Nonresponse Detector Model for Open-response Data
Kristen Cibelli Hibben, National Center for Health Statistics
Zachary Smith, National Center for Health Statistics
Travis Hoppe, National Center for Health Statistics
Valerie Ryan, National Center for Health Statistics
Ben Rogers, National Center for Health Statistics
Paul Scanlon, National Center for Health Statistics
Kristen Miller, National Center for Health Statistics

“Why do you say that?” A Case Study in Applying Topic Modeling to Analyze Open-ended Survey Probes
Benjamin Rogers, National Center for Health Statistics
Valerie Ryan, National Center for Health Statistics
Kristen Cibelli Hibben, National Center for Health Statistics

Using Language Models to Extract Data from Unstructured Text
Thomas Neil Kattampallil, University of Virginia
Aritra Halder, University of Virginia
Stephanie Shipp, University of Virginia
Gary Anderson, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
John Jankowski, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Leveraging Natural Language Processing for Efficiencies without Increasing Nonresponse Bias
Sarah Grady, Energy Information Administration
Francisco Cifuentes, Energy Information Administration
S. Grace Deng, Energy Information Administration
Katie Lewis, Energy Information Administration

Session D-2. Dying for Better Data: Using Administrative Records to Improve the Quality and Utility of Health Survey Data

Organizer: Scott Boggess, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Scott Boggess, U.S. Census Bureau

Assessing Data Quality in Population-Based Surveys Linked to End-Stage Renal Disease Administrative Data [Presentation]
Jonathan Aram, National Center for Health Statistics
Crescent B. Martin, National Center for Health Statistics
Lisa B. Mirel, National Center for Health Statistics

Linking the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component to Administrative Records: A New Approach to Inferring Establishment Links
Thomas Hegland, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Ed Miller, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Alice Zawacki, U.S. Census Bureau

Race and Ethnicity Modeling Applied to Linked Health Data [Presentation]
Lisa B. Mirel, National Center for Health Statistics
Jessie L. Parker, National Center for Health Statistics
Dean Resnick, NORC at the University of Chicago
Christine Cox, NORC at the University of Chicago

Developing a Physician-Employer Linked Dataset
Dennis Linders, U.S. Census Bureau
Victoria Udalova, U.S. Census Bureau
Alice Zawacki, U.S. Census Bureau
Kate Vavra-Musser, University of Southern California

Paul Beatty, U.S. Census Bureau

Session D-3. Evaluation of EEOC Collection of Pay Data: Quality for Intended Use and Recommendations for the Future

Organizer: Jennifer Park, Committee on National Statistics
chair: William Rodgers III, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Evaluation of Pay Data in EEO-1 Component 2
Claudia Goldin, Harvard University
Siwei Chang, New York University

Measures of Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and other Protected Groups in EEO-1 Component 2
Lee Badgett, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Valerie Wilson, EPI

Use of EEO-1 Component 2 Data for Initial EEOC Investigations
Elizabeth Hirsh, University of British Columbia
Kristen Olson, University of Nebraska
Don Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Use of EEO-1 Component 2 Data for Employer Self-Assessment and National Comparisons
Judy Hellerstein, University of Maryland
Lisette Garcia, Pennsylvania State

Meghan Maury, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Session D-4. Statistical Issues in Research to Inform Evidence-based Nutrition Security Policymaking

Organizer: Andrea C. Carlson, Economic Research Service
chair: Elina T. Page, Economic Research Service

Data Required to Inform Nutrition Security Policy
Kevin Meyers Mathieu, Food and Nutrition Service

Capturing Nutrition Information for Food Items Reported in FoodAPS-2: Survey Methodological Enhancements for Evidence-based Policymaking and Research
Linda Kantor, Economic Research Service

Statistical properties of the Purchase-to-Plate Crosswalk: A comparison of Healthy Eating Index scores across Federal surveys
Andrea C Carlson, Economic Research Service

Comparison of Purchase to Plate National Average Prices for NHANES to Other Federal Food Expenditure and Price Index Measures
Christopher Lowe, Economic Research Service

Sara Bleich, Food and Nutrition Service

Session D-5. Reimagining NCES and the Education Data Ecosystem for the 21st Century

Organizers: Melissa Chiu, Committee on National Statistics
Marie Marcum, National Center for Education Statistics
chair: Melissa Chiu, Committee on National Statistics

A Vision and Roadmap for Education Statistics: Overview of the CNSTAT Study
Amy O’Hara, Georgetown University
Melissa Chiu, Committee on National Statistics

Embracing a New Vision for Education Statistics
Peggy Carr, National Center for Education Statistics

Private Sector Roles in the Future Education Data Ecosystem
Rachel Dinkes, Knowledge Alliance

Anthony Nerino, Office of Management and Budget

Session D-6. Evaluating Methods for Evaluating Questionnaires

Organizer: Doug Williams, Bureau of Labor Statistics
chair: Doug Williams, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Understanding the Interviewer in Cognitive Interviewing: Reflexivity and Improving Data Quality
Zachary Smith, National Center for Health Statistics

A Comparison of Questionnaire Evaluation Methods to Assess the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry
Darby Steiger, Westat
April Fales, Westat

Effects of and Reactions to Response Formats for Race and Ethnicity Measurement in the U.S.
Frances M. Barlas, Ipsos Public Affairs
Kip Davis, Ipsos Public Affairs
Randall Thomas, Ipsos Public Affairs
Megan Hendrich, Ipsos Public Affairs

Correlates of Item Nonresponse to Open-Ended Web Probes
Zachary Smith, National Center for Health Statistics
Kristen Cibelli Hibben, National Center for Health Statistics
Travis Hoppe, National Center for Health Statistics
Valerie Ryan, National Center for Health Statistics
Ben Rogers, National Center for Health Statistics
Paul Scanlon, National Center for Health Statistics
Kristen Miller, National Center for Health Statistics

Facilitating Innovation in Survey Systems with Human-Centered Design
Jean E. Fox, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Scott Arden, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Tod Sirois, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Concurrent sessions E
Wednesday, October 26
1:15 - 3:00 PM

Session E-1. Statistical Modeling

Organizer: Joe Conklin, Bureau of Justice Statistics
chair: Joe Conklin, Bureau of Justice Statistics

Applying a Model of Income Distribution, Adopted as Econophysics, to Estimating Non-Compliance with the Individual Federal Income Tax
John Angle ORCID, Tresoria, LLC

A Bayesian Model of the Probabilistic Role of Weather Variations on Crop Yield Potential
Noé J Nava, Economics Research Service

Methods and Assumptions of the CPS ASEC Tax Model and Imputing 2020 Stimulus Payments
Daniel Lin, U.S. Census Bureau

Place-Based Tax Incentives and Minority Employment: Evidence from New Market Tax Credit (NMTC) Program
Anil Rupasingha, Economic Research Service
Alexander Marre, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Skill Profiles and Portability of Credentials for the Technical Workforce
Cesar Montalvo, University of Virginia
Haleigh Tomlin, Washington and Lee University
Leonel Siwe, University of Virginia
Vicki Lancaster, University of Virginia

Andreea Erciulescu, Westat

Session E-2. Mosaic Data Linkage

Organizer: Xuan Pham, Economic Research Service
chair: Jeffrey Gonzalez, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Estimating Foreign-Born Emigration Using Longitudinal Tax and Social Security Data
Thomas B. Foster, U.S. Census Bureau
Anthony Knapp, U.S. Census Bureau
Erik Vickstrom, U.S. Census Bureau

Mobility of U.S.-trained Early Career Research Scientists and Engineers
Christina Freyman, National Science Foundation
Wan-Ying Chang, National Science Foundation

Exploration of NAEP-SSOCS linkage: Investigating the Association between Behavioral Incidents, School Behavioral Climate, and NAEP Mathematics Achievement
Saki Ikoma, American Institutes for Research
Paul Bailey, American Institutes for Research
Jizhi Zhang, American Institutes for Research
Kelly Guinn, ICF
Markus Broer, American Institutes for Research

Session E-3. Modernizing Bias Reduction Techniques

Organizer: Richard Chard, Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics
chair: Doug Williams, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies: Representativeness of Nonprobability Serology Samples from Multiple Commercial Laboratories in the United States
Yun Kim, ICF
Ronaldo Iachan, ICF
Adam Lee, ICF
Lee Harding, ICF
Kristie Clarke, CDC

Finding and Handling Bias in Clustered Randomized Trials
Bradford Chaney, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Analyzing Nonresponses for National Census of Ferry Operators
Young-Jun Kweon, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Aubrey Nguyen, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Clara Reschovsky, Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Session E-4. Topics in Income Volatility Measurement

Organizer: Mark A Klee, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Rebecca Heller, Congressional Budget Office

Reconciling Trends in Male Earnings Volatility: Evidence from the SIPP Survey and Administrative Data
Michael Carr, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Robert Moffitt, Johns Hopkins University
Emily Wiemers, Syracuse University

Projecting Monthly Poverty Rates in the United States: New Estimates from the Survey of Income and Program Participation
Lewis Warren, U.S. Census Bureau
Ani Silwal, U.S. Census Bureau

A Stitch in Time: Evaluating Seam Bias in the Redesigned SIPP
Neil Bennett, U.S. Census Bureau
Mark A Klee, U.S. Census Bureau
Robert Munk, U.S. Census Bureau

Charles Hokayem, U.S. Census Bureau

Session E-5. Implementing Title III of the Evidence Act: A Framework to Expanding Data Access for Evidence Building

Organizer: John Finamore, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

ICSP’s Vision for Implementing Title III of the Evidence Act
Emilda Rivers, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

The Trust Regulation: Documenting the Fundamental Responsibilities of Recognized Statistical Agencies or Units
Robert Sivinski, Office of Management and Budget

The Access Regulation: Expanding Secure Access to CIPSEA Data Assets
Spiro Stefanou, Economic Research Service

The Standard Application Process: Creating Uniformity in the Process for Requesting Access to Restricted Data
Alex Marten, Environmental Protection Agency

Session E-6. Measuring Sex, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation: Findings of the National Academies

Organizer: Tara Becker, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
chair: Katrina Stone, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Guidelines for the Measurement of Sex and Gender
Nancy Bates, U.S. Census Bureau (Retired)

Measuring Sexual Orientation Identity and Gender Identity: Findings from the National Academies
Kellan Baker, Whitman-Walker Institute

Developing Measures of Intersex Status/Differences in Sex Development at the Population Level
Tara Becker, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Katharine Dalke, Penn State University

Christina Dragon, National Institutes of Health Sexual and Gender Minority Research Office

Concurrent sessions F
Wednesday, October 26
3:15 - 5:00 PM

Session F-1. Applications of Statistical Methods in Economic Areas

Organizer: Chris Moriarity, National Center for Health Statistics
chair: Chris Moriarity, National Center for Health Statistics

What Most Affects the Probability of Receiving Public Assistance? Examining the Effect of Family Background and Educational Attainment on Receiving Public Assistance with Multivariate Regression Analysis
Patricia I. Vargas, U.S. Department of State

Alternative Data and Hedonic Price Indexes in the U.S. Consumer Price Index: A Review of Recent Research
Craig Brown, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Jeremy Smucker, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Skilled Technical Workforce Classification
Guy Leonel Siwe, University of Virginia
Cesar Montalvo, University of Virginia
Vicki Lancaster, University of Virginia
Haleigh Tomlin, University of Virginia

United States Inflation Experience across the Income Distribution
Joshua Klick, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Anya Stockburger, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Session F-2. Innovations from the Criminal Justice Administrative Records System (CJARS) Project

Organizer: Keith Finlay, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair: Keith Finlay, U.S. Census Bureau

Hierarchical Approaches to Text-based Offense Classification
Michael Mueller-Smith, University of Michigan
Jay Choi, University of Michigan
David Kilmer, Measures for Justice
Sema A. Taheri, Measures for Justice

CJARS Data Quality Automation
Brian Miller, University of Michigan

Measuring Intergenerational Exposure to the U.S. Justice System: Evidence from Longitudinal Links between Survey and Administrative Data
Brittany Street, University of Missouri
Keith Finlay, U.S. Census Bureau
Michael Mueller-Smith, University of Michigan

Anne Morrison Piehl, Rutgers University

Session F-3. Drawing Optimal Statistical Inferences from Nonprobability or Low Response-rate Probability Surveys: Some Recent Advances and Applications

Organizer: Yulei He, National Center for Health Statistics
chair: Yulei He, National Center for Health Statistics

Variable Inclusion Strategies for Adjusting the Weights of Surveys Subject to Selection Bias
Katherine Irimata, National Center for Health Statistics
Yan Li, University of Maryland
Yulei He, National Center for Health Statistics
Jennifer D. Parker, National Center for Health Statistics

Generating Survey Weights Using a Machine-learning Method and the Entropy Balancing Calibration Technique
Joseph Kang, U.S. Census Bureau

Methods for Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples Under Unknown Overlaps
Terrance D. Savitsky, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Matthew R. Williams, RTI International
Julie Gershunskaya, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Vladislav Beresovsky, National Center for Health Statistics
Nels G. Johnson, U.S. Department of Agriculture

New Measures for Assessing Non-ignorable Selection Bias in Non-probability Samples and Low Response Rate Probability Samples
Rebecca Andridge, Ohio State University
Brady T. West, University of Michigan

Phillip S. Kott, RTI International

Session F-4. The Need for a National Study of Post-Secondary Faculty

Organizer: Hans-Joerg Tiede, American Association of University Professors
chair: Felice Levine, American Education Research Association

Defining, Counting and Understanding Faculty in the United States: Strengths and Limitations of Current Higher Education Data
Caren Arbeit, RTI
KC Culver, University of Southern California

Data: The Foundation of Efforts to Advance Equity and Diversity among our Nation’s Faculty
Laura Perna, University of Pennsylvania

The Importance and Value of Discipline-Level Data
Robert Townsend, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

NSOPF Institution-Level Data on Personnel Policies and Practices
Hans-Joerg Tiede, American Association of University Professors

Valerie Martin Conley, Idaho State University

Session F-5. Classifying Settlement Form and Function: Urban, Rural, Metropolitan and Micropolitan Area Definitions and Classifications

Organizer: Michael Ratcliffe, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Michael Ratcliffe, U.S. Census Bureau

The Census Bureau's Urban and Rural Classification and Overview of 2020 Census Urban Area Criteria
Michael Ratcliffe, U.S. Census Bureau

The 2020 Standards for Delineating Core Based Statistical Areas
Paul Mackun, U.S. Census Bureau

Understanding Rural Definitions
John Cromartie, Economic Research Service

The Effects of Geography on Data Quality
Rolf R. Schmitt, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Ed Strocko, Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Session F-6. Reporting on the Pulse of America – Rapid Data and Collection and Information Sharing Initiatives in the Federal Government

Organizer: Chris Chapman, National Center for Education Statistics
chair: Stephen Blumberg, National Center for Health Statistics

Household Pulse Survey. Foundation For a Rapid Response, High-Frequency Household Data System
Jason Fields, U.S. Census Bureau
Jennifer Hunter Childs, U.S. Census Bureau
Cassandra Logan, U.S. Census Bureau

School Pulse Panel and Development of a Rapid Response Data Collection System for Establishment Studies - Design, Challenges, and Accomplishments
Rachel Hansen, National Center for Education Statistics
Ryan Iaconelli, National Center for Education Statistics
Rebecca Bielamowicz, National Center for Education Statistics

Leveraging Commercial Online Survey Panels for Timely and Actionable Health Statistics
Stephen Blumberg, National Center for Health Statistics
Jennifer Parker, National Center for Health Statistics
Paul Scanlon, National Center for Health Statistics
Jonaki Bose, National Center for Health Statistics
Amy Brown, National Center for Health Statistics

Robert Sivinski, Office of Management and Budget

Concurrent sessions G
Thursday, October 27
8:30 – 10:15 AM

Session G-1. Insights from the Congressional Watchdog on Equity in Evaluation Design

Organizer: Sirin Yaemsiri, Government Accountability Office
Chair: Jared Smith, Government Accountability Office

Geospatial Analysis and Regression Modeling to Assess Social and Demographic Disparities in Locations of Lead Water Pipes and Pavement Conditions of the National Highway System
Sonya Vartivarian, Government Accountability Office
Mark Braza, Government Accountability Office
Caitlin Cusati, Government Accountability Office
Diane Raynes, Government Accountability Office

Assessing Disparities in FEMA Flood Map Investments using Multivariate Analysis
Lijia Guo, Government Accountability Office
Joel Aldape, Government Accountability Office
Mark Braza, Government Accountability Office
John Vocino, Government Accountability Office

Survival Analysis Modeling of Promotions in the State Department’s Workforce
Moon Parks, Government Accountability Office
Nisha Rai, Government Accountability Office
Melinda Cordero, Government Accountability Office

Imputing Race and Ethnicity in Federal Administrative Data: Two Applications of Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG)
Jeff Tessin, Government Accountability Office

Frances Tirado, Government Accountability Office

Session G-2. Highlights of CNSTAT Report on Transparency in Statistical Information

Organizer: Michael L. Cohen, Committee on National Statistics
chair: Dan Kasprzyk, NORC at the University of Chicago

Transparency of Official Statistics: Part of the Recent Emphasis on Reproducibility of Scientific Activities
Sarah Nusser, Iowa State University

The Use of Modern Software Development Tools for Documentation of Methods Used
Lars Vilhuber, Cornell University

The Use of Metadata Standards and Tools for Greater Transparency of Official Statistics
Dan Gillman, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Emilda Rivers, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Session G-3. Using Spatial Data to Inform Official Statistics

Organizer: Denise A. Abreu, National Agricultural Statistics Service
chair: Matthew Deaton, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Bayesian Nonparametric Multivariate Spatial Mixture Mixed Effects Models with Application to American Community Survey Special Tabulations
Scott Holan, University of Missouri; U.S. Census Bureau
Ryan Janicki, U.S. Census Bureau
Andrew M. Raim, U.S. Census Bureau
Jerry Maples, U.S. Census Bureau

Model-based Estimation of the Number of U.S. Farms and Land in Farms from Survey, Spatial and Administrative Data
Habtamu Benecha, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Tara Murphy, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Grace Yoon, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Arthur Rosales, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Luca Sartore, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Denise A. Abreu, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Bayesian Spatial Hierarchical Models for Differentially Private Measurements of Census Tabulations
Ryan Janicki, U.S. Census Bureau
Andrew Raim, U.S. Census Bureau
Scott Holan, University of Missouri; U.S. Census Bureau
Kyle Irimata, U.S. Census Bureau
James Livsey, U.S. Census Bureau

Session G-4. Connecting the Dots: Leveraging Extant Data for Research

Organizer: Maura Spiegelman, National Center for Education Statistics
chair: Elise Christopher, National Center for Education Statistics

Creating the 21st Century Census Curated Data Enterprise (CDE) – Establishing Criteria for Choosing Case Studies to Develop the CDE
Stephanie S. Shipp, University of Virginia
Joseph Salvo, University of Virginia

Enhancing Race and Ethnicity Information in Medicaid Data: The Role of Census Bureau Data
Aubrey Limburg, U.S. Census Bureau
Victoria Udalova, U.S. Census Bureau
Adam Kurczewski, U.S. Census Bureau

Address Frame Enhancement with Administrative Data using an Interactive Mapping Dashboard
Lee Fiorio, NORC at the University of Chicago
Ned English, NORC at the University of Chicago
Chang Zhao, NORC at the University of Chicago
Peter Herman, NORC at the University of Chicago

Building the Social Impact Data Commons: Data Discovery and Acquisition Lessons Learned
Joanna Schroeder, University of Virginia
Kathryn Linehan, University of Virginia
Micah Iserman, University of Virginia
Joel Thurston, University of Virginia
Cesar Monatlavo, University of Virginia
Vicki Lancaster, University of Virginia
Hanna Charankevich, University of Virginia
Neil Kattampallil, University of Virginia
Leonel Siwe, University of Virginia
Stephanie Shipp, University of Virginia
Aaron Schroeder, University of Virginia
Sallie Keller, University of Virginia

Finding Alternative Data: VIIRS Nightfire Oil and Gas Well Flare Data Evaluation
Jeramiah Yeksavich, Energy Information Administration
Nathan Agbemenyale, Energy information Administration
Caitlin Steiner, Energy information Administration
Michael Winkler, Energy information Administration

Session G-5. Building a Sampling System for the Annual Integrated Economic Survey

Organizer: Laura Bechtel, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Thomas Kirk White, U.S. Census Bureau

Developing the Sample Design for the New Annual Integrated Economic Survey
Katherine Jenny Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau

Developing a Sampling Frame for the Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) in the Economic Directorate of the U.S. Census Bureau
Justin Z. Smith, U.S. Census Bureau
Adam Smeltz, U.S. Census Bureau
James Burton, U.S. Census Bureau

Winsorizing Low Inclusion Probabilities from an Unequal Probability Sample in a Multi-Purpose Annual Survey
Nicole Czaplicki, U.S. Census Bureau
Yeng Xiong, U.S. Census Bureau

David Marker, Marker Consulting, LLC; Ron Jarmin, U.S. Census Bureau

Concurrent sessions H
Thursday, October 27
10:30- 12:15 AM

Session H-1. Data Science Improving Statistical Products at the National Center for Education Statistics

Organizer: Chris Chapman, National Center for Education Statistics
chair: Peggy Carr, National Center for Education Statistics

How to Improve Agency Data Visualization Strategies
Josue DeLaRosa, National Center for Education Statistics

Using Geospatial Mapping Techniques and Data Modeling to Build Better Information
Douglas Geverdt, National Center for Education Statistics

Mining Paradata to Improve Understanding of Test Taking
Emmanuel Sikali, National Center for Education Statistics

Web Scraping to Improve Establishment Employee Surveys - the Case of the National Teacher and Principal Survey
Louis Avenilla, U.S. Census Bureau

Session H-2. Responsible Creation, Handling, and Use of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data

Organizer: Robert Sivinski, Office of Management and Budget
chair: Hubert Hamer, National Agricultural Statistics Service

SOGI Data Collection Principles and Examples
Robert Sivinski, Office of Management and Budget

Measuring Sex and Gender Identity in Department of Education Information Collections
JB Simpson, Department of Education

The Impact of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Disability Questions on Response Rates
Linda J Young, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Barbara Rater, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Development of an X Gender Marker Definition for the U.S. Passport: Methodology and Implications for Asking about Gender
Kristin Miller, National Center for Health Statistics

Session H-3. Practical Applications of Web-Scraping

Organizer: Tyler Wilson, National Agricultural Statistics Service
chair: Tyler Wilson, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Comparing Web Scraped Establishment Survey Frames of Industrial Hemp Growers in Seven States: Costs, Contact Data, and Accuracy of Frame
Samuel Chad Garber, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Mike Gerling, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Katherine Vande Pol, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Tyler Wilson, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Social Media as an Early Data Source for Emerging Substance Use Trends
Alexander Preiss, RTI International
Mark Edlund, RTI International
Peter Baumgartner, Explosion AI, GmbH
Georgiy Bobashev, RTI International

Web Scraping to Collected U.S. School District Level COVID-19 Mask Mandate Information for Contextualizing Results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress
Brian Cramer, National Center for Education Statistics
Sadaf Asrar, Optimal Solutions Group

Web Scraping in Support of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Sector Programs
Hector Ferronato, U.S. Census Bureau & Reveal GC
Brian Dumbacher, U.S. Census Bureau

Mike Gerling, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Session H-4. If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them: Leveraging Administrative Data to Evaluate Survey Responses and Enhance the Value of Survey Data

Organizer: Scott Boggess, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Scott Boggess, U.S. Census Bureau

SNAP Receipt in the SIPP: Using Administrative Records to Evaluate Data Quality
Michael D. King, U.S. Census Bureau
Katherine G. Giefer, U.S. Census Bureau
Veronica L. Roth, U.S. Census Bureau

Household Indebtedness According to the Spanish Survey of Household Finances and the Central Credit Register: A Comparative Analysis
Sandra García-Uribe, Banco de España
Laura Crespo, Banco de España
Olympia Bover, Banco de España

Concordance Between Self-Report of Medicaid Enrollment in the National Health Interview Survey and Medicaid Administrative Records
Jessie L Parker, National Center for Health Statistics
Crescent B Martin, National Center for Health Statistics

Building Scientific Publication Profiles for U.S. Trained Doctorate Recipients
Haoyi Wei, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Eric Livingston, Elsevier
Christina Freyman, National Science Foundation
Wan-Ying Chang, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Katie Genadek, U.S. Census Bureau

Session H-5. Web Survey Design Standards for the Enterprise Data Collection System at the U.S. Census Bureau

Organizer: Elizabeth Nichols, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Lora Rosenberger, U.S. Census Bureau

Data Ingest and Collection for the Enterprise
Leslie Miller, U.S. Census Bureau

Linear Navigation Guideline
Elizabeth Nichols, U.S. Census Bureau

Edit Validations
Shelley Feuer, U.S. Census Bureau

Web Survey Branding
Jonathan Katz, U.S. Census Bureau

Use of Progress Indicators
Rachel Horwitz, U.S. Census Bureau

Personalizing Questions
Erica Olmsted-Hawala, U.S. Census Bureau

Input Field Formatting
Temika Holland, U.S. Census Bureau

Jean Fox, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Concurrent sessions I
Thursday, October 27
1:30 – 3:15 PM

Session I-1. Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers and the U.S. Workforce Evidence Building

Organizer: Michael Atkinson, America's Datahub Consortium
chair: John Finamore, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers and the U.S. Workforce Evidence Building Overall Effort and Goals
John Finamore, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

A Network Scale-Up and Ad-Tech Approach Examining Workforce Participation and International Mobility in the FBSE Population
Ian McCulloh, Accenture Federal Services LLC

Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers and the US Workforce
Anand Desai, Clarivate

Creating a New Data Infrastructure for Foreign-Born Scientist and Engineers: Data, Analysis and Use
Ahu Yildirmaz, Coleridge Initiative

Building an Evidence-Based Foundation to Understand Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers’ Participation in the US Workforce
Brandon Sepulvado, NORC at the University of Chicago

Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers and the U.S. Workforce
Caren Arbeit, RTI International

Session I-2. A Marshall Plan for Reconstructing National Statistical Offices After Conflict: Practical Guidance from International Principles

Organizer: Jennifer Park, Committee on National Statistics
chair: Dominik A. Rozkrut, Statistics Poland

Wlodzimierz Okrasa, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Misha Belkindas, Open Data Watch Consulting, IAOS President
Ron Wasserstein, American Statistical Association

Albert Kroese, International Monetary Fund

Session I-4. Developing the Infrastructure to Build Data Infrastructure: The Decennial Census Digitization and Linkage Project

Organizer: Katie Genadek, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Katie Genadek, U.S. Census Bureau

Merging Newly Digitized Census Form Images with Previously Created Microdata
John Sullivan, U.S. Census Bureau
Katie Genadek, U.S. Census Bureau
J. Trent Alexander, University of Michigan
Sohall Kamdar, University of California, Berkley

Communication and Iterative Development of Training Data
Kelsey Drotning, U.S. Census Bureau
Cecile Murray, U.S. Census Bureau

Creating Comparable Geography Across Data files for Record Linkage
David Bleckley, University of Michigan
J. Trent Alexander, University of Michigan
Katie Genadek, U.S. Census Bureau

Big Data Processing and Storage using On Premise and Cloud Solutions
Jonathan Morgan, U.S. Census Bureau
Katie Genadek, U.S. Census Bureau
Junied Sheik, U.S. Census Bureau

David Johnson, National Academy of Science

Session I-5. Innovations in Health Care Survey Data Collection

Organizer: Stephanie Coffey, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Stephanie Coffey, U.S. Census Bureau

Using Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to Support Health Equity Research
Denys Lau, National Center for Health Statistics
Cheryl Fryar, National Center for Health Statistics
Namanjeet Ahluwalia, National Center for Health Statistics
Matthew Kaufman, National Center for Health Statistics
Irma Arispe, National Center for Health Statistics
Ryne Paulose-Ram, National Center for Health Statistics

“Second Chance” Respondents to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health: A Natural Reinterview Reliability Analysis
Peter Frechtel, RTI International
Lauren Klein Warren, RTI International
Adam Lee, RTI International

Need Telephone Show Cards For Your In-Person Survey Due To A Pandemic-Induced Multimode Data Collection Shift? Path Study Lessons Learned 2020 to Present…
Sarah Dipko, Westat
Victoria Castleman, Westat

Zooming into the Future with CAVI: An Update
Jesus Arrue, Westat
Darby Steiger, Westat
Lena Centeno, Westat
Cindy Good, Westat

Concurrent sessions J
Thursday, October 27
3:30 – 5:15 PM

Session J-1. Evolution of the U.S. Economic Census for 2022 – An Overview of Changes, Testing, and Innovations Employed to Support Continued Improvement

Organizer: Michael Sprung, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Kimberly Moore, U.S. Census Bureau

Assessing Stakeholder Data Needs
Michael Sprung, U.S. Census Bureau
Meghan Harrison, U.S. Census Bureau

Using Iterative Quick Turnaround Cognitive Interviewing to Integrate Quality Into the 2022 U.S. Economic Census
Kristin Stettler, U.S. Census Bureau
Melissa Cidade, U.S. Census Bureau

Implementing Interactive Classification Tools
Emily Wiley, U.S. Census Bureau
Daniel Whitehead, U.S. Census Bureau

Leveraging Respondent Input to Improve Program Outreach
Charles Brady, U.S. Census Bureau

Brent Hueth, Economic Research Service

Session J-5. Analyzing Respondent Behavior and Data Quality in Web Surveys

Organizer: Jessica Holzberg, U.S. Census Bureau
chair: Jessica Holzberg, U.S. Census Bureau

Developing a Self-Administered Eldercare Module for the American Time Use Survey
Zoe Grotophorst, NORC at the University of Chicago
Stephanie Denton, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Lisa Lee, NORC at the University of Chicago
Justine Bulgar-Medina, NORC at the University of Chicago

Analyzing Survey Duration Time and Its Relationship to Data Quality for a Household Survey
S. Grace Deng, Energy Information Administration
L. Kaili Diamond, Energy Information Administration

Itemization of Reported Expenditures from the CE’s Test of a Fully Self-Administered Diary
Graham Jones, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Nikki Graf, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Tucker Miller, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Wendy Carlton, Bureau of Labor Statistics

It’s a Trap!: Use of Trap Questions and Data Quality
Mina Muller, Ipsos Public Affairs
Frances M. Barlas, Ipsos Public Affairs
Randall K. Thomas, Ipsos Public Affairs
Megan A. Hendrich, Ipsos Public Affairs

Device Usage on the Internet Instrument of the American Community Survey
Gregory Mills, U.S. Census Bureau
Lindsay Longsine, U.S. Census Bureau
R. Chase Sawyer, U.S. Census Bureau